Skyler the Dreamer.



7 years, 3 months ago


Adopted from AlicetheChabbit/QueenHarpy on FR.

Name: Skyler "Phantos" the Dreamer.
Species: Dream Demon,
Nationality: Demon; Ancient Greek.
Age: ??? Near immortal.
Gender: Transgender (sex is male, but they act more flamboyant and feminine.) Is ok with he/she pronouns, though prefers she from most.
D.O.B: June 21st.
S.O: Pansexual, though he's an awkward bab. vuv' (He might be more homosexual? IDK, pleasedon'tkillme.)
Relation: Xander's little brother.

Occupation: Businessman for paying work, and gives people good dreams at night. What a good bab.
Physical: Slender, feminine figure. Long, wavy, Lilac-Wisteria ombre colored hair with his left side shaved. Pale lavender skin with indigo markings. Black sclera and aqua eyes. He has two black circles on the back of each wing. Has a long tail with a triangular-like fork at the end. Curled black horns. He has dem high cheek bones. ;p

Abilities: Purple fire manipulation, dream controlling (yes, even the R18 ones, kiddies), putting people into a restful sleep, ethereal crossing, ethereal travel/teleportation, flight, mesmerization, final demon transformation. (Resistant to fire, ice, and light.)

Weakness: Psychic abilities, blinding light, anything that can reflect when in his demon form (he thinks he's hideous in that form), the gem on his back being inflicted, his name riddle being revealed. The usual ward or repelling spells.
Items: Dream orb, Pouch of Stardust, Panflute, cellphone, hand sanitizer, violet gloves, little black book (no pun intended.)

Perks: Classy 'n Sassy, dramatic, charismatic, hopelessly romantic, a total diva (but really kind actually), kind-hearted, charitable.

Flaws: Germaphobe, a style perfectionist when it comes to his style, DIVAAAAA, may come off as crude, too close in contact with others (touchy, invades personal bubbles) and doesn't realize it, too comfortable around people (enough for him to change in front of friends without feeling too embarrassed, depending on the person), a bit too PG17, DRAMATIC DIVAAAA-


Likes: Hot guys/chicks, cappuccinos and lattes, teas, stars, night strolls, night clubs, animal plushies, saucy romance novels, horror movies (doesn't mind a bit of gore, but it isn't what he'd normally watch alone), parties or festivals, white roses, moon-gazing, fireflies, makeup and fashion, spas, a little innocent gossiping~

Dislikes: Xander, GERMSSS, gross toilet humor, nightmares, anything sticky or gross getting in his hair (he loves and takes good care of his hair~), tacky designs/colors, clothing not matching to his standards, uncivilized/immature figures.