


3 years, 8 months ago



“I’m going to go check on Roseberry...” She continued, looking at Sydney one last time before walking away.

  • Name Lavender
  • Race Dark Purple Kermode Bear Bakshin
  • Age 17
  • Height 5'5
  • Apprenticeship None
  • Elemental None
  • Sexuality Lesbian
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Shadow/Beast ??????
  • Personality

    Lavender is very social and very friendly, she hardly ever gets mad unless the situation calls for it. She doesn't mind meeting new people and making new friends, she's got quite a bit of confidence. However, she'd prefer to be around her best friend Alyvia, her sister Plum, or Roseberry. She likes to help them as best as she can! Lavender is very observant and very patient, she's been able to help quite a bit with her own conclusions and theories. Lavender also really likes to hike and explore new areas with her friends, she's really happy when she's outside. If she can't explore, then she loves to read; she has quite a few books sitting in her tent. Lavender also really likes to paint, she usually paints flowers she brings back from hikes.

    Lavender is pretty protective over her friends, she will not hesitate to defend them if she feels like she needs to! She's especially protective over her younger sister Plum, she's always worried something bad will happen to her when she's not around. It isn't just Lavender, Plum is also protective over her big sister, they defend each other from harm. After they both lost their oldest sister, they are constantly worried for each other.

  • Appearance

    Lavender has long dark brown braids, in her braids she wears two stalks of lavender. She has light brown eyes and has big, round purple ears with big fur tufts. She wears a dark purple (almost black) hoodie with purple insides and purple strings; it also has a lavender on its chest. She has some dark jeans and dark brown heavy boots. In her bear form, she is a dark purple bear with a lighter muzzle and underbelly, there are two lighter spots on her chest and there is an arrow design on the top of her tail; she also has a light pink nose. Lavender is REALLY pretty.

  • Likes Flowers and plants, hiking, painting, her sister Plum, just being outside or even going to town (she does that sometimes with Plum), playing games, she definitely loves to go fishing, and climbing.
  • Dislikes Rude people, being torn away from her sister, being at that campsite- she'll leave whenever she has the chance, and seeing people get hurt.
  • Backstory

    "No, sorry."

    She'd prefer to not talk about it right now.

  • Plum Younger Sister

    Plum is her younger sister, they are protective of each other, always helping each other whenever it is needed. If it was up to them, they'd be together all the time but sadly that doesn't always work out. When she gets a moment though, they always hang out and talk to each other about anything!

  • Blackberry Older Sister

    Lavender really looked up to Blackberry and always tried to be around her the best she could. She learned quite a bit from her and was pretty shaken by her death, she is afraid of losing Plum too.

  • Alyvia Best Friend

    Lavender and Alyvia met at the Orphanage when they were younger. Lavender has got her own little friend group with Alyvia and Eira, but Alyvia is her best and closest friend. Lavender shares everything with Alyvia and Alyvia does the same with her, they trust each other and got each other's back.

  • Hobbies?

    Lavender loves to paint, hike, and explore! On her hikes, she will always bring back flowers to give to her friends or to admire and paint later. She finds painting to be very relaxing and does it whenever she has time to do so. Usually she paints for herself, but she has given some of her small paintings to her closest friends, especially Alyvia! She loves to see her friends happy.

  • Favorite Type of Plants and Flowers?

    Lavender will collect anything that catches her eye! But her favorite flowers are in fact roses and lavenders, that doesn't stop her from picking any flower she sees though. (She doesn't take all of it, just a few blooms.) She will also take a few leaves from trees or berries from bushes. Her favorite plants that aren't flowers are usually ferns and bushes. She loves to paint all of this!

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    Lavender is a really good tracker, she is very observant when searching around. This makes her really good at hunting, when she works with Juniper they always come back with something. Lavender is also pretty confident, if she has found or thought of something she will point it out with confidence. Her weakness is her constant overthinking and how easily overwhelmed she can get, she has a pretty good hold on these things, but they still happen from time to time.

  • Favorite Animal?

    Lavender really likes a lot of animals, such as deer, rabbits, and birds! While on a hike, she may stop to watch these animals. Roseberry has actually joined her in these situations, Lavender really cherises those moments. Because of her deer-watching, she won't really ever join a BIG hunting trip, she'll do a fishing trip but she won't go hunting anything other than ducks with Juniper.

  • Some Facts
    • ● Lavender doesn't really like confrontations however, if one of her friends are hurt she *must* know what happened to them.
    • ● She is not only learning how to defend herself, she is also teaching herself how to heal others.
    • ● She always has a few healthy stalks of lavender in her tent, sitting in a jar of water.
    • ● She is aware that Plum doesn't like Roseberry, but that doesn't stop Lavender from trying to talk to her.
    • ● Lavender will constantly tease Plum with her crush on Pineapple, its just playful teasing, she's very happy that Plum has found someone that makes her happy.
    • ● She might have a little crush on Roseberry.

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