


3 years, 7 months ago


NUMBER (18) Owner: ShadowFox1412

Name: Daedalus

Age: 3

Birthdate: July 22, 2020

Upload Date: October 23, 2020

Sexuality: Demi

Gender: Male

Status: single for now

Parents: Victoria, Tushar, Lukan (adopted)

Cubs: NA

Personality: Daedalus prefers to watch and observe before making a move. He takes pride in this as its led him to be one of the best Edge guards in Desupakku. He outwardly appears very stoic and calm but inwardly has a sense of curiosity and wonder for the world around him he keeps hidden. He tends to keep others at a distance not really letting them get close for fear of his father’s influence following him to the place he’s made his home.

History: Despite what others may assume, Lukan and Vic were actually quite decent parents, if extremely twisted and vicious towards others. Which in Daedalus’ mind made what they did to others extremely wrong and out of place. As soon as he was able, he left wishing his siblings goodbye and luck in their own journeys. He was slightly surprised when Lukan met him at the edge of the territory only to warn him that if he left he wouldn’t be allowed to come back. Daedalus only shook his head and replied “I know…” before continuing on. It was a few months later that he bumped into Qalil his future leader. He must have impressed her for he quickly gained his rank as one of The Edge and given the task of patrolling the territory. He soon found he quite enjoyed the solitude the patrols allowed while also having the safety and comfort of the pack behind him. 

Random facts: here

Stats: STR – 3 | RES – 3 | WIS – 5 | CHA – 6 | DEX – 3

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: C | Fangs: C | Size: C | Eyes: L | Horns: NA | Wings: NA

Mutation: NA

Special Base: NA