


3 years, 7 months ago




  • name >Briarshade
        prefix meaning >Briar: After her curly unkept coat
        suffix meaning > shade: For her mysterious personality, and her dark coat.
        previous names >Briarkit, Briarpaw
    nicknames >Briar, Bri

    clan >EmberClan
        previous clans >None
    rank >Medicine Cat
        previous ranks >Kit, Medicine Cat Apprentice
    mentor >Yewberry (An average size calico tom with long silky fur and amber eyes.)
    apprentices > TBA
        current > xxx
        previous > xxx

    age >15+ Moons
    gender >Female
    pronouns >She/her/they
    sex >Female
    sexuality > Bisexual

                                                                                         basic description >A dark brown marbled tabby she-cat with longer curly hair that is usually unkept and messy filled with twigs, and leaves and brilliant amber eyes.

build >Smaller
fur description >Tangled and unkept
breeds > Moggy x Burmese x Devon Rex x American Shorthair

height > 19 cm (Below Average)
weight > 6.6 lbs (Below Average)
voice > Ella-Purnell (Jinx from Arcane)
> Marigold, and rosemary

scars >small scar across her muzzle from escaping the flood.
accessories > Twigs and leaves/herbs stuck in her fur
banned traits > xxx


Positive Traits
positive >
    >> Passionate > Devotion is something that Briar has strongly enforced in her at a young age. With Yewberry at her side, it is no wonder that Briar’s passion is only amplified when she is with herbs and teaching the ways of StarClan. She puts everything into what she is doing and is always hard working. In a way it is admirable to see such a young cat completely absorb themselves into their world and dedicate their whole life to the Warrior Code and their job. She finds great pride in her duties and is offended when others do not see the use of Medicine Cats and their connection to the dead. Her passion is clear when she is performing her duties but also when she is praying and worshiping StarClan which she does daily.
    >>  Loyal > Loyalty, honesty, and faith are Brair’s virtues and where her moral compass points to. She is undyingly loyal, willing to sacrifice herself for her Clan and to StarClan if they asked that of her. Her unshakeable faith and devotion to her clan and her cause makes her admirable and trustworthy. To those she cares for, she is a beloved friend and finds everyone worth protecting. Though not in her nature to break the code, she will always help someone in need.
    >> Dependable > If you need something done, you can always depend on Briar to accomplish it. She is extremely loyal and protective of her clan and her friends. Briar will do her best to carry what loads she can and ‘tries’ to be there for others- though she can come off rather uncaring from time to time. You can always trust Briar to be a voice of reason as she is always honest about the truth of any situation- though she doesn’t like to be put into emotional situations she won’t run from them when others seek her out for help. If she sees someone struggling, you can always expect her to do her best to help.

neutral >
    >> Religious > Like her mother before her, Briar is extremely religious and devoted to StarClan and the rules of being a Medicine Cat. She couldn’t dream of breaking the code or questioning the words of her ancestors. She can be a little preachy and obnoxious with her constant use of language of StarClan and prayer. Her devout belief in StarClan can make her annoying and seem out of touch with the world on the ground. She devotes her time to studying herbs and the ways of a Medicine Cat and to the world of StarClan. Briar is described as angelic and faithful in positive lights and god fearing in others.  
    >> Strange > Like a green witch in times of old, Briar has a deep love and appreciation for life, nature and her spirituality. She keeps the bones of her meals and spends a long time in prayer with her food- thanking StarClan for giving her that meal. Due to her social ineptness, Briar can be seen staring unblinking at her clanmates, and appears rather odd. She doesn't talk much, and she is often unkept and messy. Some find her fascination with death and injuries to be really uncanny and creepy. She finds it hard to make friendships as she makes others feel nervous
    >> Honest > Some say Briar’s openness is a little uncouth, but reality is that Briar does not see a point in lying. Her religious beliefs keep her feeling very mightier than thou and does not dare stoop to the level of being dishonest. Plus she doesn’t always have the decency to consider the feelings of others and will be blunt to them. She has a strict line between being a ‘motherly nurse’ to the injured and being an emotional counselor.

negative >
    >> Unfocused > Many would describe Briar as disorganized, frantic, odd, and unfocused. Though she is that way with most things, she does her best to be a good Medicine cat Apprentice. She learns in not the most typical way; putting herbs in weird orders and mumbling to herself while she works. There is a method to her madness though. She doesn’t look like she has things under control sometimes, but she actually has things organized in her own mind- something that if others try to help her or if Yewberry needs things to be organized- it becomes very complicated and hard for others to decipher but herself.
    >> Callous > Briar takes her duties very seriously and is supportive of her patients, but tends to come off very cold to those that are not injured. Someone comes in with a thorn in their paw she will give them a look over, but is sure to make it clear that they are being a baby and need to toughen up. When others come to her for emotional situations she is not the most graceful and often sees them as beneath her. She can fix physical problems, not emotional ones so don't bother her with them.
    >> Tactless > Briar is what you would call uncouth and unfamiliar with social norms. Being a strange and weird sort of character, Briar typically doesn’t understand social cues and has little regard to what is seen as ‘polite’ or ‘proper’. Her lack of manners is something that Yewberry does his best to teach Briar- usually to no avail. Briar doesn’t understand personal space or what is considered social graces. It seems she is not uncomfortable expressing herself while others are openly distressed by her. Despite her Mentor's passing when she was just newly named Medicine Cat, her tactlessness has become less palatable since Yewberry's death. She's become rather angry and blunt. 


 parents >
    >> Cobratail > A thin and long tailed brown tabby tom with green eyes. (Status: Deceased)
    >> Mudwhisker > A short and long haired marbled tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes. (Status: Exiled)

siblings >
    >>  Widowmist > A nearly black/brown she-cat with small white markings and green eyes.  (EllaTheAussie)

    >>  Bramblebite > A brown tabby tom with amber eyes. (RosieTheMythical)

mate >
    >> name > short description

kits >
    >> name > short description

extended >
    >> name > short description

mate >TBA
    previous mates > xxx
    romantic interests/Crushes > Bullfrogbite, Laurelsprout, Cirrusflight, Gorsewing
    looking for > Nothing- she wishes to stay celibate 

likes in a potential mate >
    > Loyal to the clan
    > Interesting personalities
    > Has good banter

dislikes in a potential mate >
    Villainous characters
    > Atheist

interested in kits >Nope
preferred family size > small 



Den Building

From kithood, Mudwhisker knew what she wanted to be. She so desperately wanted to be a Medicine Cat. She truly believed it was her destiny. After all she came from a line of heavily religious cats, and knew even as a kit it was her path in life. However, when the day came to receive her Apprentice name and her mentor, she was not given to Hurricanewatcher like she had wanted. She was instead given to a Warrior named Flowerlight. At first Mudpaw was destroyed at this knowledge, but she did not give up. She would avoid her mentor and bother Hurricanewatch often, only to be constantly rejected when she asked to become a Medicine Cat’s Apprentice instead. After a good two to three moons of this, the Leader of EmberClan finally told Mudpaw that she was forbidden from asking Hurricanewatcher to change ranks and that she was to be supervised under Flowerlight and Flowerlight alone. Mudpaw gave up at this point, and trained to be a Warrior until she reached adulthood and was given her Warrior name of Mudwhisker. But by this time, Hurricanewatcher had chosen an Apprentice, a calico by the name of Yewpaw. She was horribly jealous of the cat and openly disliked them. When Yewpaw became a full fledged Medicine Cat and received their name Yewberry, Mudwhisker had decided she was not entirely done trying to get closer to Medicine Cat status. She made a plan to carry kits and ensure one of them would be Yewberry’s apprentice and have them teach the Medicine Cat’s ways to her when Yewberry was not looking. Mudwhisker was sure this plan was fault proof, she just had to wait. So Mudwhisker talked Cobratail, a quiet tom of EmberClan to help her carry kits. He was a shy and somber type, and was dazzled by Mudwhisker and her beauty, but did not realize he was being coerced into some plan. 

Kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >

    Cobratail and Mudwhisker carried a litter of three, naming them Widowkit, Bramblekit, and Briarkit. Soon after her kits' births, Yewberry announced they were indeed looking to take an Apprentice, and that's when Mudwhisker grew far more troublesome. 

Mudwhisker was sure to express that she was not interested in Cobratail as a mate and wanted him to have nothing to do with her kits. He was crushed, but being the quiet and painfully self loathing, the Warrior accepted that though the kits were biologically his, he was not to be a father to them. So the feline took a step away from parenting, and left Mudwhisker in full control of the three kittens. She pushed religious beliefs and was harsh on discipline. She would make sure the kits would bring Yewberry gifts and visit the Medicine Cat den as often as they could. However, it didn’t seem to get Yewberry’s attention. Mudwhisker grew angry with this. Her plan had to work! How else could she get close to StarClan without one of her kits being chosen? So she took things into her own hands. She decided that out of all her kits, Briarkit was the most suited for Medicine Cat life. Widowkit and Bramblekit were far more rambunctious and ill behaved while Briarkit was a doting listener of her mothers teachings. So in the dark of night, Mudwhisker left a thorn covered thicket outside Yewberry’s den, trying to give the cat a fake omen. However the next day, she was furious to find that Yewberry had ignored the ‘omen’ and seen right through Mudwhisker’s skeem. Despite all the chaos happening with her mother, Briarkit was having issues of her own. Widowkit and Bramblekit were openly ignored by Mudwhisker at this point, allowed to be bothersome to others and enjoy clan life- but Briarkit was under her mother’s paw. Her siblings grew close together, but left their sister behind. She spent all her free time alone and enjoying nature. That's when the weird dreams started. What was worse was when the dreams seemed to happen while she was awake. She would see stars walking around during the day! She didn’t understand, and thought about telling her Mother about them- but hesitated. At this point, it was clear that Mudwhisker was unhinged. She confronted Yewberry demanding that they take her daughter as their Apprentice, and Yewberry openly called her out on the fake omen and attempted to force a decision only made by StarClan. With that, Reedstar was forced to step in and separate Yewberry and Mudwhisker in hopes that there would be no more issues between them. However Yewberry was familiar with not normal families and when they had a moment of peace approached Briarkit. The strange and quiet little kit asked questions like if Medicine Cats were really able to see StarClan, and if being a Medicine Cat was that important. Their talk was short but good, but Yewberry noticed that Briarkit would stare into space often and ask if Yewberry saw stars during the day which he thought was a weird question. That night he was given a dream of large thorn covered thickets covering the horizon. It was a briar- and suddenly from the thickets, herbs and leaves grew from the brambles and sprouted towards the hot sun above. Yewberry knew that this time it was not a fake omen. That time it was real.
Yewberry talked to Briarkit again, and this time asked her about the ‘stars during the day’ comment. That's when Briarkit explained that she was having some dreams where the stars talked to her and they sometimes came to her when she was awake! Yewberry knew that this was a sign. This kit was the cat he was meant to train. 

Apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >


Briarkit was quickly given to Yewberry and named Briarpaw when she reached the age of 6 months. Her siblings went on to receive their Apprentice names and mentors as well, but due to her mother’s favoritism, they often avoid Briarpaw. 

Mudwhisker at this point was thrilled her plan had worked and attempted to force Briarpaw to spill the secrets of a Medicine Cat to her- but the little she-cat could see how destructive her mother had become. She confronted Mudwhisker, telling her mother that she was wrong for chasing away Cobratail, and neglecting Widowpaw and Bramblepaw. With Yewberry at her side, Briarpaw felt she could finally tell her mother how she felt. She told her mother that she would never know the life of a Medicine Cat because it was not her destiny, and she needed to accept it. Mudwhisker, thrown into a rage, attacked Yewberry, but was quickly stopped by a few other Warriors. She was then banished from EmberClan for her repeated offenses and attempt to attack a Medicine Cat. Briarpaw was pretty shaken up about the exile of her mother, but decided to take this as a lesson and a chance to reach out to her siblings and possibly mend what their mother had broken.

Things were fragile for a time. Her efforts seemed rather... pointless as time went on. Briarpaw watched as her siblings made friends, developed into Warriors. She wasn't sure how she felt. She got someone closer to Bramblepaw, but it was clear they would never be as close as some of the other families in the Clan. Though saddened by this, Briarpaw accepted it and moved on, appreciating having any relationship with her brother and sister as compared to nothing. She threw herself into her training, looking to Yewberry for all knowing knowledge and following his every order. But her family issues were not the only things that happened in these early moons of Briarpaw's training. 

Petaldrift, a well respected Warrior of EmberClan was witnessed having a vision! Both Briarpaw and Yewberry were shocked to hear that one of the Warriors of the Clan received the message, and not either of the Medicine Cats, or even Leader or Deputy, but they accepted what the pale she-cat had to tell them about her strange dreams. Soon after this, Lotusbreeze stepped down as Deputy leaving the Clan feeling anxious for who would replace them. However, Reedstar was quick to decide that Piketongue, a beautiful golden she-cat with a heart of a hard worker and kindness would take the role of Deputy. The she-cat agreed, and  New-Leaf followed after. Though still chilly out, the Clan was doing better catching prey and the common deaths that followed Leaf-Bare were starting to pass by like horrible nightmares. Lotusbreeze, the former Deputy, was found bleeding horribly after a mysterious attack and soon passed from their injuries. The Clan felt unease knowing that something might be happening without anyone seeing it. But life went on. A month later, Reedstar lost their first life, and the Clan became very protective of their leader. And finally, despite Bramblepaw and Widowpaw receiving their Warrior names, Briarpaw was not ready for her name quite yet. Bramblepaw was named Bramblebite, and sadly Widowpaw was named Widowmist and soon after died. Briarpaw hid her grief over her lost sister but praying to StarClan and begging to get to see her again. But she was not answered. Perhaps even in death, Widowmist did not wish for a relationship with Briarpaw.

Medicine Cat-ship[ 15+ moons ] > 

Finally, moon 195, another moon after Reedstar lost her first life, Briarpaw was given her name. She thought about requesting Briarmist to be her new name, but felt like it was doing a disservice to her sisters legacy, as Widowmist never would have wanted her journey to be carried by Briarpaw. So she allowed Yewberry to choose, and Briarshade was her name as a full fledged Medicine Cat. It was celebrated that EmberClan had two Medicine Cats as HailClan and CloudClan had not been as fortunate. However, this was short lived. Less than a month later, the entire EmberClan camp flooded. Reedstar was killed while the clan struggled to escape. Many lost their lives, including Briarshade's beloved mentor Yewberry. She tried to grab what herbs she could, as it was still cold enough for herbs to be hard to find. However, she lost most of her supplies, and barely made it out with her own life. The clan cried and tried to stay together as suddenly they were left with Piketongue and Briarshade to lead them. The two she-cats did their best to keep the clan calm, but knew that they couldn't say in the flooded camp. So Piketongue lead the clan to the Two-leg cabin which was usually only used in the warm months of the year which was not far into EmberClan territory. The clan was wet, cold, and hungry, so they resided inside. From there is was clear that Piketongue was no longer Deputy, and would take her name was Pikestar, and Briarshade as the sole Medicine Cat of EmberClan. 


Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  •  Likes Collecting bones
  •  Likes EmberClan
  •  Likes herbs
  •  Likes working/studying
  •  Likes prayer
  • Dislikes being bored
  • Dislikes taking baths
  • Dislikes heavy rain
  • Dislikes heretics
  • Dislikes code breakers
  • 🟆 She is what you would call a ‘Green Witch’
  • 🟆 Briar is the reincarnation of another Medicine Cat character I used to have named Nightshade.
  • 🟆 Likes to collect bones and keeps her meals bones
  • 🟆 Will often tuck herbs into her coat to carry them with her so she can carry more! 
  • 🟆  She will spend everyday praying to StarClan and sees herself as pretty special.

profile html by Hukiolukio || Written Application vicstars on DA & ScorcherSoldier