
3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Dark

Birthdate: March 13th

Sexuality: demi

Gender: Female (does not like making it obv/prefers gender neutral or even male terms)

Parents: NA 

Cubs: NA

Personality: sassy and scheming Dark can come across extremely vindictive at times. they have a bit of a malicious sense of humor that often shows itself in poorly timed situations especially if their feeling nervous or anxious about something or feeling trapped.

History: Dark was born to a loving family and for the first few months grew up alongside her brothers playing and generally having fun. One day while exploring however she was caught in a human trap and taken to one of their camps. There she was trained to fight often being starved so she would be more aggressive but also more compliant with what the humans wished. Many of her scars came from that time in her life. The worst fight was when she was placed into the human's version of the fighting pit against a male twice her size. Not only did she loose half her front leg but the male also decided she would be the perfect little breeding partner for him and took her against her will while the humans jeered and cheered the male on. after that they threw her out leaving her to die from her wounds. Though she managed to survive, she had grown to despise the fact that she was female seeing it as a weakness. That's when she became they or even he, and they were determined to grow stronger so that they would never be in that type of situation again. 

Random Facts: Despite her dislike of her biological gender she does eventually hope for cubs to spoil.

Traits: Ears:  UC | Tails: C | Fangs: UC | Size: R | Eyes:  R

Special Bases: NA

Mutations: Raptor claw