
Melvin Clancy


  • Melvin Clancy
  • The Puppet Bandit
  • canonically 23
  • Male
  • 11th October


  • Demisexual

Voice claim:




My main own character!

Originally made to be a Borderlands bandit camp character but can be multiverse.

Name: Melvin Clancy ( he prefers to be called Mel)

Age: Between 21-24 he lost track

Height: 5ft 7 He’s somewhat smaller than most of his crew and very slender

Sexuality: As you can imagine he hasn’t had much experience in this field. But I feel he is demisexual, As long as he forms a strong bond he would be able to experience love.

Likes: He’s rather obsessive name is what nicknamed him The Puppet bandit. He has a love for arts and crafts, but even more so stitching and making dolls/puppets and the like. It is rumoured on occasion he has used the skin of the dead for patchwork. 

Dislikes: Someone too serious, a killjoy. Someone that mocks art.

Originally cooked up to be a Borderlands OC however can be moulded to be multi-verse.

Mel is a bandit camp leader from Pandora, Not too famous or well known. But quite content.


His original whereabouts of where he is from isn’t known. But he was spotted outside of a bandit camp as a malnourished and scruffy kid at the age of 7. He caught the attention of Lord Clancy the leader of a small group of bandits, and was brought into the camp to be raised. Like anyone who’s been mistreated, at first Mel was more introverted. Hiding away from the people at the camp in his tent, spending hours stitching things together and gradually making dolls for company.

However over time he started to come out of his shell a bit more. It was rumoured Lord Clancy had a rather soft spot for the boy, and treated him as one of his own. Bringing the kid out with him on excursions and hunts, teaching him the ropes on how to survive and fire his first gun. The two seemed inseparable for a good few years.

As Mel grew towards the age of 18, he began to leave the camp on his own and was able to contribute more to the people. Foraging and killing or whatever that needed to be done, while in his free time he continued his craft. Constantly making anything from clothing to dolls, to masks.

However everything turned on it’s head just one year later. Word had gotten out that Lord Clancy had been playing dirty. He had been plucking weak members of the clan to sell off for death cage matches in the city, and even attending it to watch them die. The bandit camp fell into a depression, everyone anxious and stepping on eggshells. The only one to still be near him was young Melvin. He could see that the once fearsome Lord and what he was slowly turning into a downright monster, not caring for even his own people.

He trusted the boy he raised until the end. Until Melvin took it upon himself to change things for the bandit family he had been raised in. It was Mel who finished Lord Clancy, even though the tyrannical ruler was twice his size with a lot more strength he was able to put him down due to everything he had been taught.

Word got around and the bandits named him the next leader, They were thankful, but nervous. They weren’t sure what the boy was capable of, or what he had in store for them. It was even rumoured that the day Lord Clancy died, Mel was seen kneeling by the slaughtered body, sewing him up just like one of his many dolls. A wild look in his eyes as he mumbled gibberish that sounded something along the lines of human flesh being a delicious canvas.

Years have gone by since, and he has earned the name the puppet bandit. Generally creeping people out and not knowing the appropriate way to act or speak. He lives by whatever is thrown at him, and just wants to improve his craft.

It’s easy to spot his crew members, as they all have tattoos to make them look like moving dolls with stitches to the neck, wrists and ankles.


He has a boyguard that was assigned to him at a young age, A boy of similar age who came from a rich background. After rebelling against his Hyperion parents and joining the camp he was seen as a bit of an outcast but wasn’t praised like Melvin was.
The two stick together through thick and thin, the guy would probably die protecting the crackhead.


  • Stitching puppets
  • Raiding camps and foraging
  • Arts and Crafts
Random fact : 

Would ideally need glasses to see in the distance, personally Doesn't realise this so does a lot of squinting.


  • Working
  • A killjoy
  • Fruit and veg
code by meatsmoothies