Acryl (Alt. code)




"One thing you REALLY have to take into consideration while looking at my artwork is that I am a natural brunette!"


NAME Luca Santana

ALIASES The Creative Crusher

WEIGHT 225 lb


AGE 24

PRONOUNS she/he/they

OCCUPATION ARMS league fighter, illustrator, artist


STAGE Street-Corner Mural...In Progress!!!

D.O.B. 12.23

ARM Material Paint

HOBBIES Painting, Shopping



creative • flirty • weird

Acryl, as an ARMS Fighter and emergent celebrity, likes to present herself as fun, flirty, and bubbly. Always coming up with a quick comeback to whatever anyone throws at her, She really does pride herself on being good with people. She's also really funny, and some of her unique perspectives as an artist come out into how she talks and the opinions she has on things. Seems like someone with a lot of confidence. She's also a bit vain, and is very preoccupied with her own looks and if they look awkward or not and anything like that (not exactly from a place of pride though, they're just self-conscious).

When not wearing the mask, though, Acryl, or their real name, Luca Santana, is a bit different. He's still funny and likes being around people, but he is more awkward, shy, and dorky. They are also far more genuine, and is okay with being called weird. They are more sensitive and even a bit of a crybaby, and it's very easy to get him to rant about something for minutes on end, especially if you're asking him about their original projects.









For much of her early life, Luca Santana lived in Havana, Cuba with her mother, father, and sister Leila. While she was just starting high school, his family moved to Florida. their first few years in america while still with their family were... not wonderful. Luca Santana was for much of her early life set to be an engineer, and was pressured into studying science and math, and was subtly turned away from art. Further, her sister had to get a job to help make money for the family, and Luca had no one to confide in about their nonbinary identity and greater affinity for the arts.

the awakening

To the slight dismay of Luca's parents, every student still needs one fine arts credit to graduate high school in the United States. Luca found her escape from all the pressure in the mandatory art class she took sophomore year, and when assigned a challenging art project, she put their all into making it say exactly what it needed to say! This resulted in Luca staying up past 1 AM to work on said painting in her room. In a fit of passion, the poor guy overworked herself and passed out. She woke up the next day with ARMS made of colorful paint, and didn't know what to do with herself, because she was supposed to spend her whole highschool and college career studying to become an engineer! What the hell!!!!

After talking it over with her counselor, art teacher, and parents, Luca had an outburst and told her parents directly that she wished to switch to the art course and that it's the only way she'd feel happy. Her parents were miraculously convinced, and that was the end of Luca's prospective career in engineering as she immersed herself more into the world of art.

after joining the league

Acryl went to a well-respected college, socially transitioned, met her best friend Marion, honed their craft, got her bachelors in fine arts, and got scouted by the ARMS League to personally create all their promotional posters. This last one shocked acryl half to death! her??? working with the ARMS LEAGUE? THE ARMS League?? She took the offer in the blink of an eye, feeling incredibly grateful to have such an opportunity. For 1-2 years she remained in this position, managing to get an apartment in Miami (MIAMI!) and live semi-comfortably, which is saying a lot. This changed when Springtron joined the ARMS league cause Acryl was like AWOOOOOGA! and started training to join the league herself. Now she's in the league as Acryl, competing to get the money to buy her own studio and advance their career as a professional illustrator. Not to mention she's a big springtron fan and wants to meet him FOR REAL! But that part is a poorly-guarded secret.


  • experimental art
  • art installations (Thinking of doing some herself)
  • dance pop
  • springtron :)
  • public transit
  • funnel cake (His favorite food!)


  • Living alone
  • Driving
  • the dark
  • Harsh art critics (His university teachers)
  • How close he lives to her parents


  • Due to her ARMS being liquid, they can be quite the messy fighter. You should forgive her because they are cute.
  • Her special ability is being able to summon a canvas with an ARMS glove painted on it and the ARMS glove comes to LIFE and it PUNCHES YOU! Further applications of these abilities haven't been found yet.
  • Luca has a cousin, named Lucia; She lives in Colombia.
  • Luca's paternal grandparents immigrated from Colombia to Cuba, but her father self identifies as Cuban, for the most part.



WEIGHT 225lb

BUILD Curvy, not incredibly athletic

SKIN tan with port-wine stains

EYE brown with spiral irises

HAIR natural brunette dyed blonde dyed green at the tips

DEMEANOR flirty and outgoing

STYLE slutty dark academia

OTHER hair may or may not be made out of paintbrush material. acryl herself doesn't. know. the port wine stains have been part of her since birth


  • PAINTBRUSH a whip-type glove with a cool new attribute: PAINT. It covers your ARMS and gloves in paint and renders you incapable of charging up. It looks like a certain paintbrush weapon from another series...
  • SPLATRAM a chakram-type glove with the paint attribute as well. it's meant to look like a paint palette! how cute < 3
  • SPRAYVOLVER a multishot-like paint type weapon that's like the revolver but with spray paint cans.


  • fat ass haver
  • although her arms are every color of the rainbow (BEEEE WHO YOU AAAAARE) her main color is lime green bc i like lime green
  • wears hoops a lot
  • needs glasses


Moriah Valentino Peralta [ trusted confidant ]

Friends from college. Moriah often got Acryl out of their shell to actually go and do things, but these days they seem to have to be the voice of reason for her. He designed Acryl's fighter outfit and made the button-up and the jeans, as his ultimate act of support for his career. Acryl wishes he could have more time with Moriah.

Leila Santana [ best sister EVER! ]

Leila supports Luca being nonbinary and Luca loves leila forever for that. the only member of her family alongside Lucia that luca keeps in contact with.

Springtron [ oh hes so fucking sexy. but also kind of butt-ugly. i need him. ]

Acryl's crush, and future partner. Tron didn't begin to speak to Acryl as if they were his equal until the first time Acryl beat him in an ARMS match, and the rest was history!!! They seem like total opposites, one being a machine built to fight and the other being an overemotional twitter artist, but they're far more similar than either of them were willing to admit. Acryl helps him open up and get better at managing his nascent humanlike emotions, and Tron helps Acryl be (genuinely) more confident and decisive. They're my sillies. heart emoji

Dr. Coyle [ ugh, tron, can't you send her to a retirement home or something? She's like, cramping our style... ]

They don't like each other. Coyle thinks Acryl is a menace for daring to love HER fighting machine, and is always trying to keep the 2 apart. Acryl doesn't care about any of that and thinks of her as a minor annoyance, until she gets serious about her efforts...