Illiamdril Krovyrr's Comments

I want this

Hopefully he'll get along better with his blade than Telly did with his.

They actually get a long pretty well. I'll update the pre-adventurer bg stuff later on, but they may or may not be in a relationship. Idk yet, bc it might be too much. Decisions are being made on this one.

Wait, you mean to tell me this guy may be in a committed relationship with a sentient sword? Well shit next ppl will make anime body pillows into intelligent items and marry those!

If I go with it then it's more like her black blade was a flesh and blood Drow man that was her lover before and he was made into her black blade and now they're stuck together in this kind of really messed up situation bc Drows are rude.

Also Varzier married his summon that on paper has an Intelligence of 7. I love them, but you know, while we're here.