Shark Boy 🦈



3 years, 6 months ago




  • Name Shark Boy
  • Age 12
  • Height 5'0
  • Occupation Dumpster Diving
  • Orientation Heteroromantic Asexual
  • Theme

Shark Boy is everything that being a Shark Boy entails. Energetic, happy, childish, and loud. Very, very loud. Shark Boy has absolutely no brain to mouth filter- any thought that comes up in his mind has to get out NOW. He’s a bit of a blabbermouth and if he isn’t yelling random stuff he’s getting into some sort of tangent. He’s also pretty careless, being the type to break twenty vases after running around the house like it's some sort of racetrack.

  • Chews on things when he's bored
  • Prefers trash over actual food; favorite food is dumpster Whoppers
  • Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
  • Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.

It's Tough To Be A God

One of Shark Boy’s most defining traits is his tendency to spin (true?) stories about his previous Godhood. Basically, Shark Boy once was a highly respected God, but after a few cool and awesome and amazing skateboard tricks that all the other Gods were jealous of (his words not mine), he was kicked out of heaven and cursed to be reborn as a simple human until the end of time. So, Shark Boy’s seen things, lived through things, died through things, and probably befriended your mom in a past life. Or not. He’s just a silly kid making up stories… right?


Even though he seems clumsy, unrefined and chaotic (or, even though he is), he does have a more serious side to him that rarely ever comes out. Usually it only does when he has to protect others from dangerous people or… information that’s too much for them to handle. His methods may sometimes be a bit unorthodox in these situations, but a shark’s gotta do what a shark’s gotta do.
