


3 years, 6 months ago



Lyan Refold
Lyan, the Lion
Cis male
Indie Clothes Designer
Caucasian / Eastern Asian


Lyan might not be the tallest or the strongest of vampires, but he's certainly the most visible. When has bright pink hair ever been discreet?

Coming from a line that values first and foremost aesthetics and style, Lyan considered himself an artist. However, it is not the opinion of everyone that knows him: with his charisma and confience, he stands out as a leader, even among his outspoken two best friends, and often positions himself as one - without even realizing it.

Yet, despite the side of him that remains approachable and social at all time, Lyan is very much a vampire, and no one knows it better than he does. He wrestles with that side of him daily, not wanting to fall prey to the same base instincts that he sometimes sees in his elders.


5'8'' / 176 cm
He works out
Left: Yellow | Right: Silver
Skin tone
Pale and bloodless
Hair style
Carefully wild
Hair Color
Pink with a white streak



  • His eyes don't have lenses.
  • His hair is the type of wild that took hours in front of a mirror and a lot of gel. It doesn't appear to be dyed.
  • He designs and makes his own clothes.
  • He hides his fangs in front of humans.
  • Pierced nipples.

First Impression

Lyan is almost unapproachable. Almost. He stands in the spotlight, even moves around in it with the cofidence of a superstar. Every bit of him, while not perfect, seems intentional. It doesn't take years of talking to him to notice that he has a strong personality and is quite knowledgable about many different subjects.

Yet, for all his grand mannerism, he remains without judgement when approaching someone new. He's the type that strikes a convesation with the quiet kid and that can make a friend out of them. People don't feel judgement when speaking to him, even when he is at his most successful. It is his curiosity and interest in others that enriches his life and that made him into the person he is: an idealist at heart.


When it comes to hobbies, he seems to be a flexible being. While he does have a constant and steady passion for sewing, he tries his hand at many others, making him a jack-of-all-trades that fairs well in most, if not all, creative situations. He is at his best when he is learning, and addicted to new knowledge.

But his interest always circles back to people. He wants to know about them, and learn through them, even if he is now older than most of people (humans) that he meets on a daily basis. He is not intrested in drama, in fact he'll withdraw from those that spread it like they have caught a sickness, but he does like listening and being there for others.


As mentioned before, Lyan is an idealist and a people person. He values humaine ways of going through life and creating the least amount of pain for everyone around him. He sometimes struggles to reconsiliate his actions and his high standards and, when that happens, can be hit with bouts of self-destructive depression.

Lyan also values independance and resolving one's own problems on their own - but not to the point where he is above asking for help.


While getting to know Lyan, there will be very little surprised - or at least, few surprises of the bad type. That is his way of being honest, and his consistency is very appreciated by his closest friends. On top of that, his large palet of abilties, his knowledge and his ability to chat up anyone he likes makes him welcome in most circles.

He often acts as a counterbalance to his more chaotic friends, or helps them accomplish even more chaos than what they would have accomplied on their own - depends on the day, really.


Lyan's greatest weakness is the secret he keeps for himself and his closest friends: that he is, in fact, more prone to fall victim to his monstruous side than most vampires are. He often tries to sublime it through art, sex or whatever is available to him at the moment, but sometimes it is too hard to contain. He has come close to killing people before, driven by pure bloodlust, and he remembers those instances with great regret. He tries his best to deny that he is struggling a lot of the time, but that doesn't stop the beast from striking when he least expects it.

Apart from that, he tends to assume the best from people, especially if he has befriended them, and might overlook some of their flaws even when they are right under his nose. That surprising naivity has bitten him in the ass more than once but he refuses to adopt a more jaded view of life.

Human Years

No one would quite believe it, but Lyan used to be very shy back when he was a human. Incredibly creative and intelligent for his age, but too timid to dare expose those parts of him to others. That shyness used to be his biggest enemy in his life. It didn't help that he was an orphan, given to the foster system at birth by an unknown mother that couldn't care for him, and that he had grown with no parents taking care of him - so to speak.

It was during his young adult years that he finally developped the courage to expose himself some more, after a friend of his died in a mysterious and tragic incident (that totally didn't involved vampires). Wanting to get to the bottom of the mystery when the police seemed strangely apathic about it, he started taking risks and getting involved in things that he shouldn't have been. Parallel to that, he dared to expose his creations in a local clothing shop, drawing the admiration of his peers in his sleepy texan town.

He didn't find the vampires; they were the ones that found him. And, while he was horrified that such creatures could exist - he now had the proof that they had killed his friend - he was not given a choice. One of them, a certain Alexander, was very admirative of the promising human and made him into his childer against Lyan's will.

Young Vampire Years

When Lyan first became a vampire, he lost himself. It is not common for young vampires to go through a feral phase, although it does happen more frequently with people that were turned against their will, but Lyan went through one. For a couple of month, he lived in his sire's basement, attacking whoever came close like an animal. When he finally calmed down, he was horrified at his memories and immediately hated his condition with a passion.

It took him a long time to grow to trust his sire, even if he eventually did - out of necessity, and because there are natural links that occure between a sire and their child that cannot be denied easily. That is how he grew into his new condition as a vampire, eventually becoming fully comfortable with it. Maybe.

It was meeting Mike, then Pierre, that really gave him something to look forward as a vampire. With them at his side, he sets off to learn about what he wants out of his unlife, finding the joy that he thought he had lost a long time ago. In their care - with the distant but constant watch of his sire - he fully spead his winds.

Present day

Lyan grew into the vampire he is today, the person he always wished he could become but never quite attained. He got hobbies. Pets. And he never looks back over his shoulder, at the dark beast that stalks him, just waiting to turn into a monster again.



  • His snakes
  • Sewing, or any creative activity
  • Mike and Pierre
  • Parties
  • Fast music
  • Art galleries
  • Learning about new people
  • Phylosophical discussions


  • Losing control
  • Cruelty and violence
  • Being forgotten or left on the wayside
  • Being dismissed as unimportant


  • one
  • two
  • three
  • four


  • one
  • two
  • three
  • four

All vampires keep the appearance that they had on the day of their death... unless they have a specific power that allows them to change it. Lyan has such a power and has already used it to change himself to his liking. He could, with age and practice, extend such changes to other vampires, although such changes would slowly revert considering his current level of skill.

Augemented Sense
Lyan is a very sensitive creature, always aware of what is happening around him. His senses are so sensitive that he can even percieve things that are not supposed to be there - ghosts, traces of magical residual energy, and even traces in the blood of a human. If he's alert, nothing sails past Lyan.

Skill three
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Item one [ effect ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Item two [ effect ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Item three [ effect ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus. Praesent facilisis nunc eros, sit amet fringilla ante suscipit at. Morbi vitae lorem pharetra, cursus eros non, euismod nunc. Aliquam pretium arcu placerat leo tristique pharetra. Etiam porttitor neque nec dui finibus suscipit. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit nunc eget cursus. Morbi ultricies justo sit amet efficitur interdum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus. Praesent facilisis nunc eros, sit amet fringilla ante suscipit at. Morbi vitae lorem pharetra, cursus eros non, euismod nunc. Aliquam pretium arcu placerat leo tristique pharetra. Etiam porttitor neque nec dui finibus suscipit. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit nunc eget cursus. Morbi ultricies justo sit amet efficitur interdum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis purus vitae massa pretium accumsan. Sed ullamcorper justo nulla, in bibendum lacus pulvinar nec. Fusce ex velit, ornare sed ante sit amet, euismod posuere diam. Suspendisse luctus metus at vestibulum maximus. Praesent facilisis nunc eros, sit amet fringilla ante suscipit at. Morbi vitae lorem pharetra, cursus eros non, euismod nunc. Aliquam pretium arcu placerat leo tristique pharetra. Etiam porttitor neque nec dui finibus suscipit. Mauris pulvinar hendrerit nunc eget cursus. Morbi ultricies justo sit amet efficitur interdum.




  • He has two very good friends, Mike and Pierre. He's supposed to be the level-headed on of the group, but really his contribution to their worse plans is the organisation of said plans so that they might actually work.
  • He collects ball pythons. So far, he has seven of them and he is quite intensely obsessing over the idea of getting one of the "pink panter" variety.
  • His bite creates an addictive feeling of almost orgasm in his victims. He gets more enjoyement from drinking blood than sex and, when he's given the luxury of choice, will be an extremely picky eater.
  • He enjoys going to art museums and got a surprisingly compehensive understanding of art history.
  • He sells his clothing creation online, though auctions. They range from dresses to lingerie. If the aesthetic allows it, he places one of his snakes on them. His friends Pierre and Mike sometimes serves as models otherwise.
  • He can become absorbed by something new or a project on days on end, barely eating and obsessively thinking about it. His friends know better than to drag him outside during those times or he'll talk their ears off about it, but they do keep a few mortals on hand for when he will snap out of it (mostly driven by hunger.) He calls it "the Zone".
  • He has two blood servants, with whom he has a "master-doll" relationship with. He enjoys taking care of them, brushing their hair and clothing them. They are all strikingly pretty individuals.

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