


7 years, 3 months ago


Umbriel is a well-mannered and well-groomed initiate who usually does not speak unless spoken to first. Most of the apprentices he oversees tend to regard him as a teacher's pet because he doesn't dare step a toe out of line. He does what is asked of him and does so without question. Few realize this is because of Umbriel's deep-seated ambition to become more than himself.

His magic is very simple. Umbriel is able to create clouds. So far as he managed to use them to make himself float off the ground, but he isn't sure what more he can do with his magic. The talent causes him no lack of embarrassment. While others are capable of great things, he is able to make fluffy, white clouds. This makes his greatest wish to show others that he deserves to be in the Magical Society.

As an initiate, he is one step further to becoming a full-fledged mage than an apprentice would be. This means he has passed numerous tests and trials devised to prove himself. He is allowed a bit more freedom than an apprentice, being without a mentor and getting to decide what classes he takes. Umbriel is also charged with overseeing the apprentices from time to time. He doesn't particularly like to do so since many of the apprentices are more powerful than him, but it is expected so he does it without complaint.