

3 years, 10 months ago


" Don't stop the music, let's dance! "

Name DeCon " N3K0MATA"
Age 25
Gender Male
Race Living silhouette
Role DJ


  • Neon colors
  • His fans
  • Music
  • Milkshakes


  • Bitter people
  • Places in silence
  • Too much darkness
  • salty food

Cheerful . Optimistic . Friendly . Honest

Decon, or better known as "N3K0MATA" is a DJ from Krypton City, being one of the many young DJs there, he doesn't care much if he is more or less recognized, still, he has been doing well.

He tends to be very animated and fun with everyone, so it is not hard for him to make new friends and get along with his fans, he always looks for the good side of things but knows when to shut up, this at times when seriousness warrants it. He is very humble and never belittles others, no matter how the other person treats him, he will want to help him but without being annoying, he is clear when he has to leave things as they are if that person does not want his help.
It is a bit difficult to make him angry, but he has a limit like anyone else, those who have seen him angry usually describe him as someone terrifying who would surely blow a couple of your teeth out if he hit you.
When he doesn't like something, he doesn't hesitate to say so even if he gets to be cruel with words, but he doesn't like to be left with an internal displeasure, but there are times when he has to be silent.

Being a living silhouette, it's not hard for him to sneak around certain places and even more so at night because he likes to explore the city. By day, when he wants to go out, he has to take on a more "normal" appearance as it would be strange to see a shadow moving around, plus he could be easily recognized, sometimes he also goes out in this form at night to better appreciate the lights that cover the city.

Due to the fact that attempts have been made on his life, it is not uncommon to see him with a guard behind him, that is why he escapes, he does not like to be watched because he knows how to defend himself.

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