
3 years, 7 months ago



Name Sugar Corbrum
Age 21
Gender Cis Female
Species Vampire Anthro Cat
Height 5’9”
Role ”Collective Heiress”
Personality Growing up in the collective, Sugar has the combined fierceness of all four parents, and the confidence to bring down kings.
Sexuality Literally does not care

❝Sugar, you’re the light of us all.❞

Sugar is a tall, chubby turkish angora american shorthair mix who knows how to use her strength. She’s incredibly body positive, and free with her love and compliments. She believes no one, no one should be shamed for their body.

Sugar Corbrum could be retranslated to mean sweetheart!


  • Her mother’s pastries
  • the candy hidden in her father’s desk
  • strawberries
  • her parents, with her whole heart


  • Her mum’s ‘mystery’ stew
  • entitled customers
  • tea
  • the government


Sugar was born on a cold, windy winter day, to the joy of all four parents and grew up in the long halls of her family’s manor. Running around and getting into trouble. She outsmarted her parents as a kit more often than they’d like to admit.

Early Childhood

Sugar has her mothers sweetness, her fathers temperament, her mum’s quick wit and her pa’s creativity when dealing with those she doesn’t like. She wasn’t afraid to get into fights as a kit, and was quick to put a bully or two into their place until she very quickly took over the school yard. However, when not snapping at mean kids, Sugar had a voracious book appetite, reading anything she could get her paws on.

She loved to sneak into her fathers office, sitting with him while he tried to make paperwork sound fun, and she would follow him into meetings with other Collective members, sitting on his lap or in a chair nearby while they discussed work. It was no surprise when in her mid teens she informed her father she wanted to take on a role in the collective.

Heiress of the Collective

Sugar fell into her role in the Collective fairly easily, giving suggestions in meetings, delivering messages between members and was even smart enough to outsmart a few cheating patrons in her mother’s casino. However, it didn’t last long.

When Sugar was nineteen, the United Creature Society, their government, demanded a sort of peace treaty. To allow the Collective to continue their activities, they wanted Ma’af to send them a few men to be trained as soldiers in the war efforts. Sugar sat in the meeting her father called about the news, listened to him rant about how it was “his community” and how “He could do as he damn pleased,” “they can’t stop me if they wanted to anyway,” “cats aren’t allowed on the council so I’m the only law these cats have!” Sugar quietly raised her hand, and volunteered to be one of the cats sent. She told the members present that this way, they could learn more about the UCS, possibly to “keep the peace in the future” afterall. Her parents protested, but Ma’af eventually relented, admitting it was a smart decision. And off she went.



Queenie Corbrum

Queenie is Sugar's birth mother, and it shows only in fur color. However she still loves her and grew up following her mother around the manor every chance she got. Sugar likes to refer to Queenie as “Mother Mine” or “Mother Dearest” because she finds it funny.



Ma’af is Sugar’s birth father and she matches his temperament entirely. She’s quick, clever and can be vicious if her or her loved ones are threatened. As a kit she used to sit in his lap while he did paperwork, or would sit quietly in meeting rooms while the Collective discussed business.


Tommy Clavas

Sugar learned her best snarl from her Pa, and uses it to her advantage often. When she was a kit, he was the one she “talked” into helping her steal her mother’s cookies, and when she won another well deserved fight with a schoolyard bully, he’d take her for icecream.


Mollie Camento

Mollie’s the one who taught Sugar how to fight, and how to think quickly on her feet. Even as an adult she’ll roughhouse with her Mum and the winner will pay for dinner.


Ace Corbrum

Although Sugar has moved out, and there’s a large age gap between her brother and her, she still visits just for him occasionally. She’ll bring him gifts from her adventures, and tell him wild stories from her career.

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