☦ F r a n



3 years, 8 months ago


"False angel"

Synthetic Being . Unknown Age . Male

A homunculus crafted artificially by the ancient witch known as "The Serpent". Genetically the offspring of an Eden and Elohim, though he inherited no known traits of the latter.
His passion and talents lay in robotics and medical expertise, however, his work and motives can be considered highly questionable. He currently works as an assistant to his creator.

"You're dull!"

Name Fran ("Alpha Centauri A")
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Species Synthetic Being
Birthday Unknown
Height 150 cm
Orientation Homosexual
Occupation Engineer / Assistant

  • Robotics
  • Medical Work
  • Experiments 

  • Pain
  • Being Ordered Around
  • Dark Clothing


  • "Alpha Centauri A" or "ACA" is the scientific name he was classified as in original records made by Otto. Decades after his birth, he was given the name Fran, meaning "free", by Genesis.
  • Unlike natural born Edens, he is unable to perceive the past and future and so cannot write chronicles. The only attribute he seems to have been passed down with is the appearance of an Eden, having white hair, light skin and light eyes. He seemingly inherited absolutely no traits from his Elohim half. Otto considers him a failed experiment due to this, though it doesn't bother Fran as it means he no longer has to be the main subject of any experiments.
  • He feels very connected to the axolotl, which is why it is his favourite animal. He owns and takes care of multiple axolotls with unique colours. His room is also filled with plushies and other toys that are made from the image of axolotls.
  • Much like an axolotl can, he can also regrow his limbs, though scars still often remain and it takes an month or more to finish the healing process.
  • When not assisting Otto, he spends most of his time in an entirely separate part of the workshop creating different mechanisms and machinery. Often, his ideas are far too grand and his creations get dismantled by Otto because they are too dangerous to keep in the main section of their workshop, much to his dismay.

Design Notes

  • His true age is not known, but he appears to be around 14 to 16 years of age physically, but is truly much older.
  • He can choose to have his wings and halo out, or choose to keep them hidden.
  • His wings are very injured due to the experiments he went through, he also has various scaring on his body such as on his thigh. 
  • He usually carries around medical or robotic tools with him by using chains on a ring.

"You're so boring as you are, Would you like me to take you apart and fix you?"

 Brilliant | Witty | Innovative | Analytical | Resilient
       Impulsive | Malicious | Smug | Troubled | Reckless

Analytical and intelligent, Fran is considered a genius, a prodigy. Since his creation he was acknowledged as having a brilliant mind, greatly exceeding expectations in every form of academics. His biggest passion is medical work and robotics, and so he spends most of his time researching the human condition and creating apparatuses, mainly advanced machines designed for combat.

Fran appears to be beautiful and gentle, like an angel, however, he acts often like a bored child. He enjoys causing trouble, one of his favourite past time being pestering others. However, outside of his playfulness and curious nature, he is malicious. He enjoys manipulating others and creating situations that he can take advantage of to get his way. Sometimes this is to satisfy his own sadism and engage in more reckless behavior. He is impulsive and makes decisions quickly, just wanting something to happen already even if he knows it could have a bad result. When speaking with him, it can be pretty evident he is not all there. He is a troubled youth and very emotionally immature. He can say very callous and disturbing things without recognizing it as such.

Despite his more notable traits, he is still very innocent at times, being easily bribed and convinced by others in exchange for things he deemed as enjoyable. He also greatly enjoys compliments regarding his work and appearance. 

"Why did I create such deadly machinery? I was bored, of course!"

(Incomplete - WIP)  



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code by jiko | bg photo by Unsplash