Veleno Zucchero (Valen)



3 years, 7 months ago


-Real name is Valen, goes by Veleno Zucchero as an alias, and Sugar by those who get what his "last name" means. 

-Previously a respected scientist in the medical field who was put to work finding a cure for a corrupt leader's rare illness. The leader halted all medical research and basically ruined the economy and health of his people draining all the resources and putting it towards only finding a cure. Valen was head of the research team and became the direct communication between his team and the politician. He hated how his people were being treated, but he couldn't do anything, until they found a possible cure. While it was still in the early stages of testing, the leader demanded they cure him right away, and that was Valen's breaking point. He was being told to smuggle the cure out, as he couldn't get authorization to do trials on anything but animals at that stage. Instead of just doing as he was told, he whipped up a more potent batch, taking notes from animal testing and tweaking ratios until he had something that was sure to put an end to the leader. It worked, and the leader became sicker and sicker, eventually dying. Legally, he was in the clear, for he had covered his tracks and made sure there was no reason to suspect foul play. To the people, he was lauded as a hero, but  to the other nobles, one of their own had been killed, and Valen was still forced to flee the country and take on a new identity

-Used to have very long hair, glasses, two horns, two eyes, slightly different facial features,  and a differently shaped tail. He underwent cosmetic surgery to remove his horn and fix his face after a run in with some not so nice people and an acid attack that destroyed his eye on that side as well. The tail was done to avoid suspicion, as he had a noticeable birthmark  on part of the large spade on his tail, so he had it altered to two smaller spades. He cut his hair at that time and started wearing contacts as well. 

-He has a deep and rough voice

- He was very stressed as a scientist, but now that he's essentially a drug dealer, he feels a lot more free and relaxed. He gets to do what he wants and nobody messes with him. He has a reputation for having fair prices and pure product, as well as his unusual morals for a drug dealer. He doesn't deal to anyone clearly drunk or high, he won't sell over a single dose (unless selling for multiple people), and he's always willing to help his customers in the event of a bad trip or OD. He wants his customers to have a good time for a long time.