


3 years, 6 months ago


Created november 9th, 2016

Tri-Berry "Berry" Grace Smith

around 15, maybe 16, highschool

female; she / her

cursed human

She had a pretty normal childhood, until one day at her best friend's house. Her friend was in the bathroom, and being dumb and curious like most little kids, she decided to go explore a bit. After all, they hadn't been friends super long, maybe there was some interesting secrets in her house? It was a dumb idea, but it did turn out to be true. She had always known they'd had some sort of library, but she'd never been in it. There were dusty books all over the shelves that looked like they hadn't been touched in years, perhaps never at all. She went for the most interesting one, an impossibly thick, black leather book with shining, golden writing on the side that caught her attention "What are you doing?" The voice came from the doorway, right before she could try to read the cover, the suddenness and accusatory tone causing her to jump, the book flying out of her hands to wind up open and face-down on the ground. The dust cloud that followed was to be expected, but what she hadn't expected was the sound of smashing glass, or the purple liquid that seeped out from under the book a moment later. Her friend had rushed over, and gasped "My mom's gonna kill us!" Quickly, they decided the best thing to do would be clean it up and got to work. Only, touching the liquid didn't quite go as expected for Tri-Berry. As soon as she touched it, she felt tingles almost instantly, starting in her fingers and very quickly moving up, up, and through her entire body. She was frozen for a moment, before a flash of intense pain followed the same path at the tingles had, and that was the last thing she knew before she blacked out

might change it so she becomes like a familiar for her friend's mom? then she can send her to school or something?? but also kinda weird so might have to work something else out

She can turn into a human form, but it's requires a ton of energy so it's best for her to only do it as little as possible, like when she's going to school

She's pretty reclusive, she knows making friends probably wouldn't work out well in the end

somewhat self conscious and awkward around people

sticks to casual things, comfy tees and most of her stuff is likely from the thrift store

her family probably thinks she's dead, she hasn't seen them at all since her little incident

she looks quite different due to the effects, her hair is naturally stuck that colour now, unless she dyes it, which she'd prefer not to since it would require her human form and that' a lot of work

she's always been kind of interested in reading, but she really struggles with it and staying focused enough to actually take in the information

she, of course, has a soft spot for felines

she absolutely hates the smell of fish, as well as being stuck in large crowds

she has some sort of disguising spell, maybe from her friend's mom, that she can use to look more like a natural cat if she needs to blend in for something, though it's only temporary (just imagine it without the hair)