


3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Zeverin (edenistic for Death or End) 

Age: undeterminable

Birthday: undeterminable

Born in: undeterminable

Gender: undetermined/genderless

Pronouns: Any pronouns

Orientation: undetermined

General info: 

A manifestation of death itself, Zeverin (or Zev for short) adapted his form with the organic substance of this world's indigo realm since it resides beyond heaven, the mortal realm and the underworld. 

He is always accompanied by moths, which will lead him to the next person to leave the living no matter what time of day and unaffected by light sources unlike normal moths. Though while Zeverin is vastly feared for his task and appearance, he is very kind/polite towards anyone he encounters, especially towards animals and children. 

So he will strike up a conversation while he leads the soul through an unknown spiritual realm to the otherworldly spirit of judgement Libra. Zeverin will hold the soul's hand if he senses it being nervous while Libra weights its deeds to determine heaven or underworld. 

Should it be even on both ends, so will Zeverin offer the soul to help finish whatever unfinished business it has left to do to tip the scale.