Vladimir ⚡



3 years, 7 months ago


Vladimiro (Vlad) Mancini
35 years old
9.5 feet tall (289.5 cm)
Drug lord, Mafia boss, deep sea fisher, has a sweet tooth (Loves pastries and cookies)

Story below, it's a lot so I spoilered it. Also it really janky and has a lot of mistakes I'm too lazy to fix rn. So read at your own discretion.

Vlad is the boss of the Mancini family. He leaves most of the hard, grunt work to his underboss Salvatori. Vlad has a very hands off approach to his mafia, often taking years at a time to travel and spend most of his time in his summer home of Venice, Italy. The only reason he would come into working himself is if there's a problem with the flow of money to himself and those higher up ranks like Salvatori.

Vlad was created for a softer purpose compared  to the life he lives now. Vlad was created by a old man, almost without a  name to his business. He lived on a small seafaring town on the  outskirts of Venice. He saved his last dollars from working tirelessly  catching fish and selling them without much payback. Mese Mancini was  about 50 years old when he finally found the savings to buy himself the  mantagrem of his dreams, the perfect working partner and so, Vlad was  created. Vlad grew quickly, dwarfing the already large man. Mese had  seen the end of his problems with his friends by his side. He saw  Vlad as a son, and he saw him as a father. They were a family who spent  their time out at sea, catching fish and cleaning pollution that drifted  down from the larger cities. Their business picked up with the help of  Vlad’s capabilities in finding new and delicious fish from the depths.  Their life together as father and son was good until Mese fell sick and  needed to be hospitalized until his death. Mads continued the business  with a heavy heart, slowly he began reaching out to other clients for  crooked money to keep himself afloat.

Mads, now at the  age of 19 had joined the mafia as an associate. His hunger for power  grew as his heated personality became hardened by that of the mafia. He  had been changed, and relocated to Venice forcing him to loose roots  with his father business which scarred him deeply. The business was the  last thing he had of his father's presence. Vlad fell into a deep  depression while continuing to work for the mafia as an associate,  slowly working his way up to soldier and then Capo within the Maldaneo  family. At 30, Vlad was confronted by the Maldaneo Don. He asked him to  break off, create a partnership. Vladimiro quickly took the opportunity  and became Don of the Mancini family.

Don Vladimiro is a  hardened cutthroat grem who now serves no one but himself. He listens  to no one, and keeps very few friends. He's better with enemies. His  hobbies of deep sea fishing, sailing and vacationing are still strong  defining features of his character and he takes these hobbies seriously  when not conducting business with the mafia.

As the Don, he is  open to bringing in new associates and allowing the Capos he employs to  teach them the ropes, but he is also ruthless and hard to tie down. He  does not rest in one place for long other than his summer home in  Venice. The policegrem Nikolai is hot on his trail and he takes his  business seriously. He is akin to a large father figure to those he  likes, a resting face of disinterest and an air of mysteriousness and  someone you never want to cross.