Storm on the Horizon



3 years, 7 months ago


Storm on the Horizon

Sex/Gender: Female

Age: 24

Height: 5' 9" (Average for a Tabaxi)

Weight: 10 stone / 140lbs

Sexuality: Bi

Clan: The Misty Cliffs

Personality Traits:


Friendly - always good to meet a new face, new faces mean new customers and more people to enjoy her music

Lively - if you need someone to bring some energy to a room, Storm's your gal. Ready with her Lute and her Pan Flute, a merry tune is only a request away.

Merry - unless something truly bad has happened, this bard is unlikely to be without a smile.


True Neutral - she doesn't much care for the squabbles of others, all that matters is her craft so why should she care who she performs to. That said, anyone seen harming children will get a rapier to the face.


Attention Seeking - she's spent so long in the spotlight she's not quite sure what to do when she's out of it. If she sees the chance to start a show with eyes on her, she'll take it. Can't let the lute strings get cold.

Assertive - this Tabaxi bard wants everyone to have a good time, whether they want to or not. Storm isn't above casting Hideous Laughter on a teammate that's insisting on being grumpy and spoiling the mood.

Self-Serving - If Storm needs something, she's not afraid to use her skills or appearance to get it. After all, only a true showman can pickpocket while all eyes are on her.


Born to the Misty Cliffs Clan. 

Bored with life so far from major cities.

Went out on an adventure to see the world when she was 15, and served at a tavernas a performer.

Kind old bard in town saw potential and taught her to be a bard.

Continued to practice while moving from town to town performing.

Eventually went to the Bardic School of Glamour.

Currently performing at an inn in town at night, with the occasional hunting quest to keep her skills sharp.


Jewel of the Mountain (Jewel) - Mother - Tabaxi - Druid

Fall of Rain (Rain) - Father - Tabaxi - Ranger

Quill in the Grass (Quill) - Brother - Tabaxi - Ranger


Li - Teacher - Tortle - Bard