


3 years, 7 months ago


Patrick Donnelly

31 (b. 1885)

male (he/him)





1.Patrick Donnelly is a very kind, funny, and friendly lad. He’s almost always happy and positive in life and it's hard to crush it. He’s very supportive of people that are close to him and will do anything to protect them. Although he tends to joke around a lot, Patrick will get serious when he needs to. With his two best friends he is willing to fight for Ireland’s independence and just like they are willing to give his life for it.


1.Patrick was born in Dublin City to an ordinary working-class family; he was the third child of four sons. Growing up, he was a very energetic and clumsy child who easily befriended anyone he met, and although Michael seemed like any other boy he befriended, the two eventually formed an unbreakable friendship and were always seen together. In 1909, Patrick met Alastar who had just moved to Dublin, and in no time became friends due to Patrick always delivering letters to his address.

2.In 1910, Patrick meets the love of his life - Bridget. He’d flirt with her whenever he’d deliver letters to her address and was heartbroken when he learned she was already in a relationship. “Fortunately”, Bridget’s relationship didn’t last long and gave Patrick a chance; the two married in 1911. With Bridget, Patrick had two children; Aidan (b. 1912) and Patricia (b. 1914), but they will, later on, have a third child, Treasa (b. 1917).


  • has a few crooked/missing teeth, which is why he avoids smiling too much around others
  • loves making people laugh with his jokes
  • Patrick loves eating more than he should, and yet he never gains any weight
  • he has a sweet tooth


Michael [bff]Patrick and Michael were friends since childhood and are practically inseparable ever since then. They can’t see each other much due to work, but whenever they’re both free, they’ll grab a drink at a pub and catch up with the latest news in their lives.

Bridget [wife] Their marriage is a happy one and both of them are madly in love with each other, not being afraid to show it to everyone. Every day, once he’s done with work, Patrick rushes home to see his wife whom he missed the whole day. He tends to write romantic, even inappropriate at times, letters to Bridget and would sometimes even receive a reply from her.

Alastar [bff]Although he’s not close to Alastar as he is to Michael, Patrick considers Al his best friend. Nearly every day Patrick stops at Alastar’s bookshop to rest before continuing to deliver posts, which Alastar doesn’t mind and in fact, enjoys his friend there every day.