
Full Name: Ira Ruby Lavender. 

Age: 22

Height: 5'1" / 155cm

Gender: Female

Race: Half East Asian, Half Caucasian

Sexuality: Pansexual

BLADE Division: Prospectors

Class: Mastermind+

Species: Human (Mimeosome)

Appearance Details: Ira has Long Raven Black hair and Crimson eyes, framed by a set of square red half-rimmed glasses (under). Her complexon is somewhat pale, and her build is remarkably average.



Pet Peeves: When people sneeze into their hand instead of their elbow.

Profile: Ira is a fun-loving, incredibly optimistic and very social woman with a reckless streak. Much to the ire to multiple of her comrades, Ira doesn't really take her role super seriously most of the time, often just 'dicking about' in order to have some fun with her life. However this may be, Ira struggles deeply with feelings of belonging - feeling as though she simply doesn't deserve to be part of BLADE, let alone a survivor. To her, in comparison to her colleagues, she simply feels out of place. She copes with this through keeping herself distracted near 24/7.
Within BLADE, Ira is certainly a.. unique individual. With no military training or experience to speak of, Ira has managed to learn a lot within her time. Her skill with a Sniper Rifle is especially remarkable, whereas she can also pilot the ARES Model Zero (A sort of Middle-Ground between the first Tandem-Skell Ares and the Prog Ares), despite it's incredibly bizarre control scheme. 

Story up until now: Ira was born in England on the 3rd of March, 2034 AD. Her life is pretty unremarkable, all things considered.
Though, she herself was a pretty wild child, never really 'settling down', even into her teens, and she'd tackle anything head on with high levels of motivation, or with none at all. There was really no in-between for her. Especially due to the remarkable ease of which she was able to learn new (and complex) topics. Granted, she never really pursued a lot of those new skills, for some reason. Was it boredom? Probably.

Anyways, just before she'd turned 17, her family started having.. issues, when her uncle finally returned from military service. It was sudden, to say the least. Now, Her uncle was far from a good person - in fact, he's a bit of a bastard, and has a tendency to abuse those close to him for reasons unknown. Anyways, the two were, unfortunately, forced to spend a fair amount of time together. It wasn't that bad compared to how it could've been.
Then, one day, he just, up and vanished. No trace, other then a single post-it note that said 'See 'ya soon.' Weird. Anyways, Ira ended up finishing school, and ended up deciding to pursue a career as an Archeologist. Which, went surprisingly well.

Well, until The 11th hour. Earth was caught within a massive (and I do mean MASSIVE) conflict between two alien races. One was Dubbed 'Ghosts', while the other was retroactively discovered to be the 'Ganglion'. Anyways, at the time, she had been in California, doing what basically amounted to 'assistance' with a certain site. Again, until everything started going to shit. The Project Exodus had begun taking in people - and she jsut so happened to be selected to be part of the crew of 'The White Whale'. Initially, she objected - after all, she wasn't remotely qualified to be in that position. 

Then, it all went dark. Well, more like she was knocked out for what was basically a month.

By the time she even woke up, Earth was long gone, and she was now in a fresh new Mimeosome. Surrounded by Child Prodigies, Military Veterans, and Societies Top %, she naturally felt out of place. Took her a while for the absolute soul-crushing horror that 'oh shit, earth and everyone i ever knew is fucking gone.' From there, she basically resigned herself to her quarters in an attempt to cope.

Quick lightning round of things that happened after then:

The White Whale was forced to make an emergency landing on a planet later dubbed as 'Mira.'

Ira's Lifepod was found in Noctilum by a man named Lao Huang, who took her under his wing.

From there, Ira learnt how to use a Sniper Rifle, and how to use a Knife (which became her two primary weapons of choice.)

Due to her remarkably quick learning, and her Mimeosome's endurance, it only took her a few months to really get the hang of using a Sniper Rifle. When she was deemed 'competent enough', She was pawed off to a team of 3 - A casual Australian Man, a rather Judgemental and moody Russian teenager, and a mature, battle-hardened Brazillian Woman who led the ground. Seth, Dawson, and Violet respectively.

From there, the team has grown - personally. Despite their differences in Division and personality, the four are a lethal team tasked with taking on some of the highest profile targets BLADE has to offer.

I should mention one thing - Ira is a descendent of a family (as most people are), however, her family on her Father's side is unique. Her father's side of the family has a unique talent that's very rarely passed on genetically, a sort of rare 'Adaptation' type beat.
It allows members of this family to be able to pick up and learn things exceptionally quickly - even the most unorthodox and unfamiliar can be learnt at an exceptional rate. She's the 2nd person to have actually inherited this in just over 3 generations.