Tabris Kaedahl



3 years, 7 months ago


Full Name: Tabris Kaedahl

Gender: Female (she/her)

Species: Half angel/half ice demon

Age: 17 (beginning of story)

Birthday: June 2nd

Height: 5'6" (167.6 cm)

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Status: Active 

Occupation: Reaper

Abilities: Ice manipulation, and reaping of souls (essentially inherited both her parent's abilities). Tabris prefers to incorporate her ice manipulation with her reaping by causing cold-based deaths.

Being born between the King of Winter and the Angel of Death, Tabris grew up having high expectations placed upon her. Her parents weren't really together when he was born so her mother, Azrael, had most of the custody and prepared her for taking up the role as a reaper. That's not to say that her father wasn't in the picture, in fact, he visited when he could. He was a busy King and hated summer weather so when he wasn't physically around, Bruma would watch over her using a set of royal jewels he made for her. The jewelry acted as a window to Tabris' life and a way for her to always have a piece of him. Despite Bruma's efforts, Tabris still feels as if she doesn't know her father as well and always wished she could see him more. Alas, the deal was for Tabris to be a reaper and not a pampered ice princess so naturally, Tabris was molded to be more like her mother. The other reapers looked down on her because of nepotism. Tabris became reserved and a bit cold-hearted due to feeling like she didn't belong anywhere. There was even a point in time where she lived among humans just to have a sense of normalcy, but that backfired. Humans teased the way she looked thus closing her off even more, and made her realize just how little she cared for the living. Tabris grew up to have very little friends, Riley being her closest and only for a while, but that didn't stop her from trying her best. She'll someday prove that she'll be the best reaper she can be and that's out of her own merit and not because she's related to the higher ups.

Azrael's lessons weighed heavy on Tabris growing up so Tabris grew to be passive, quiet and gives off the impression that she's a snob despite not meaning to (hooray for resting bitch face). Even so, Tabris does exhibit some attitude when she's displeased by something and isn't afraid to speak her mind if pushed. Because of the fact that she didn't grow up interacting with her peers very much, she has very little social awareness and seems to just assume no one really likes her anyway; and even gets surprised when any form of positive attention is given to her. Hell, she even has a stalker....... while most people are disturbed by that fact, it actually intrigues her. Tabris shares her father's curiosity to the darker side of people and isn't afraid to explore that curiosity since it's not like she's the one in danger. Other than that, Tabris is very civil and well-mannered to most people, and tends to avoid conflicts if she can, though she's sometimes not very good at that. As well-meaning as she is, her lack of restraint and social awareness does make her accidentally seem as threatening as her mother, despite never raising her voice. Basically, she's just a lonely girl who only needs to get out of her shell.

While Tabris doesn't really get to experiment with hobbies much, she is willing to try anything once with the right company. Tabris does enjoy relaxing, reading, getting dressed up, ice skating, and going out for coffee.

Due to her ice demon genetics, she doesn't care for warm weather though is far more tolerant of it than most ice demons. She also dislikes disorganization, rudeness, and stress.

Significant Other: Byron