Malice Alurden



3 years, 6 months ago



Malice Alurden

Chosen by the Goddess of Love, Arawai, Malice is going on her own adventure to one day find her own source of love.

Malice Aludren
Droaam Citizen
Pastels/Bright Colors
Cleric of Arawai

Once upon a time in a castle far, far away, a young Drow girl was forced by her father to study in his shoes. She detested it with all her heart as she loved the world and everything in it, and his profession was Necromancy which took life from which she beheld. Her younger sibling fell in line for the profession given to them, Assassin and Warrior, however, she did what she could to oppose her father. It started as befriending the critters that her father wished her to raise and the one she did raise, she dressed him up in the finest rainbow paints and sovereign glued a sharpened bone to its forehead to make it appear as a unicorn. Cupcake was merely the icing on the cake, it was when the girl refused to continue killing and that “the weak forget the strong when they are gone too long, but the heart and love very rarely falter,” was the last straw, reminding her father that he had fallen in love with a Paladin whose Oath was based on that very concept.

Soon after, she evaded work sessions by leaving the castle all together. If her father could not accept who she was, she felt she needn’t waste her breathe or life trying to prove it. Upon happenstance, the young Drow found a library and within it, a friend. The Librarian was an old, mature, yet blunt Dragonborn by the name of Urdaalis Thervyre. The two bonded over romance stories, one dreaming of the days gone by, the other who speculated for the future.

After she had read every romance book and deeply discussed the ins and outs of romance and love with her compatriot, the Drow girl was bequeathed the Champion of Love by the Goddess, Arawai. Though, no true quest is easy or straight and narrow. She was conscripted into the war, to the disdain of her father, as a Grave Cleric. In it’s horrors was the first time the naive child questioned how powerful love truly was. Yet, as a hopeless romantic, had gotten close to a prince but shortly thereafter, was sentenced to jail due to the completely racist and false reports of her trying to steal from his treasury.

She had the grandest of time there, she didn’t get too overworked, and often the guards would mention how much she had inspired the people to work with the stories she recalled to them, though that was mostly them just trying to get away from her and not to listen to how the two fell in love and their happily ever after was. Needless to say, she had never been accepted in her past and she wasn’t sure if she would ever, but as a girl with a big dream, the most precious thing was her hope.

When she was released she ended up going to a major city, and she was met with prejudice once more. Not many people accepted the Drow and more monstrous of races, so she ended up getting in debt with a bat-shit-crazy Gorgon lady, and somehow finding work in the university.

How does the story end? Well dears, that is a tale for next time.

Romantic Adventerous Emotional Direct

  • The Color Pink
  • Being Social
  • Romance Stories
  • Libraries
  • Taking Notes
  • Dark Colors
  • Undead
  • Aggressive People
  • War
  • Father
  • Drawing
  • Healing
  • Helping Love
  • Making Others Feel Awkward
  • Scaring Animals
  • Taking Care of Pets
  • Going on Adventures
  • Gathering Information
  • Telling Secrets/Gossip
  • Taking Notes on Party Members

"If you can't stop them with kindess, kill them with love."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque erat nisl, luctus posuere enim nec, fermentum molestie lorem. Ut bibendum facilisis orci, et fringilla mi rhoncus sit amet. Sed sit amet pulvinar eros, eget fringilla ipsum. Nullam sagittis tellus a sem mattis tempor. Nullam scelerisque tellus sed lacinia volutpat. Donec at lobortis justo, vehicula imperdiet quam. Sed iaculis lacinia libero, ut tempus velit vulputate quis. Sed eu aliquam erat. Aliquam ac eleifend eros, sed congue mauris. Nulla cursus tortor eget nulla gravida, eu condimentum ex feugiat. Pellentesque mauris lorem, luctus non ante ac, aliquam vestibulum nibh. Nulla gravida sagittis neque, eget maximus eros luctus eu. Phasellus mollis in nunc at tincidunt. Quisque elementum, mi in hendrerit fermentum, nulla leo ornare tortor, sit amet tincidunt dui tellus eget ipsum. Suspendisse semper, nunc id luctus hendrerit, felis ex vehicula sem, sit amet gravida erat nisi eu nisi. Ut id elementum tortor.

Phasellus eget orci nec tellus dapibus ultrices. In egestas eros nec fermentum interdum. Suspendisse sit amet sagittis lorem, non luctus dui. Vivamus iaculis iaculis facilisis. Maecenas tincidunt nunc a nisi pellentesque, eget dignissim est congue. Vestibulum lobortis venenatis augue, nec lobortis purus tempor quis. Nulla vulputate tempus porta. Curabitur volutpat eleifend mi, quis placerat dolor ullamcorper eu.

  • ● Malice isn't an adult yet, and hasn't decide on what name to take when she reaches adulthood.
  • ● In her youth, Malice went to jail, however, to stay away from her stories and her in general, the other inmates took extra work.
  • ● There might be a story about her trying to date a prince, which ended up with her getting into some trouble.
  • ● Malice doesn't like being attacked, and will often be super aggressive due to it.
  • ● After having a nightmare, Malice recieved her mother's sword which does radient damage, and was asked to finish her mother's quest to remove an evil from Eberron.
  • ● Has nightmares of when she was in the war.

Name Fusce venenatis et elit bibendum bibendum. Aliquam rhoncus vehicula lobortis. Pellentesque at nisi vehicula, eleifend tellus vitae, ultrices arcu.

Name Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes. Fusce volutpat vel tortor quis rhoncus.

Name Sed placerat lectus interdum, gravida diam a, pharetra magna.

profile html by Hukiolukio profile idea by BigBreaker