


3 years, 10 months ago


Cold Weather Company
1:16 4:13

cat/bluejay | he/they | shapeshifter

Cobalt is a quiet sort, sitting perched atop a lightpost watching the world go by and taking note of the people going about their days. Some may try to wave and make his acquaintance, but before they know it, the cat they thought they saw is gone with only a trail of feathers in his wake.

Cobalt is a shapeshifter who usually takes the form of a cat or bird, but also has humanoid, anthro, and other forms. He always has some bluejay-inspired markings and silver cat-like eyes in each form.

  • black tea
  • rainy days
  • reading
  • hot weather
  • being watched
  • bright lights

don't say it's over (call it a clover)

intj-t | aquarius | the hermit
observant isolated soft-spoken

To those Cobalt isn't familiar with, he can come off as a bit of an elitist. That's not their intent, though--they're the kind of person who spends most of their time in their head, and they often speak very literally which can be offputting to new people.

Cobalt's friends would say that for all their booksmarts, he's got the worst people skills they've ever seen. So, rather than put himself out there and socialize, he prefers to observe. It doesn't bother him, though--he's always preferred to study others than interact with them. It's easier that way, and he finds other peoples' habits and behaviors fascinating, even though he doesn't feel like one of them himself.


i'm never cold, and you're never forward...

bluejay-like markings | cat-like eyes

Cobalt has many forms, but defaults to the cat form in his avatar, a bluejay, or a combination of the two. He can be drawn anthro or humanoid, but typically has a more 'feral' appearance for ease of getting around.

He's a shapeshifter by nature, which means that he doesn't exactly have a stagnant or 'true' form. However, they always have bluejay-like markings or colors and cat-like eyes with silvery irises. In his humanoid form, they typically have wings and/or cat ears, dark bluish-black curly hair, and somewhat pale skin. Their colors and markings don't have to match the reference pictures exactly, but that is his general color scheme. In humanoid and anthro forms, he wears a lot of hoodies and sweaters. The Pinterest board linked here is full of aesthetics and outfits they like.

Important Notes
  • Cobalt wears a lot of white, navy blue, black, and yellow.
  • Cobalt typically wears glasses in their humanoid form.
  • They often carry a messenger back with paints and a book.

take it as a sign...

more on cobalt...
Early Life

When Cobalt was young, his family wasn't sure if he'd ever speak. They've been a quiet person since childhood, and when they finally started talking, it was in complete sentences at the age of three. They never had many friends, but that didn't bother them--they preferred to perch somewhere high up with a book instead of trying to play with the other kids.

Shapeshifting wasn't exactly unheard of in their family, but their parents were two humanoids. Nobody was expecting a ten-year-old Cobalt to come trotting home from school on four legs looking like a cat, but they feel far more like themself in non-human forms. It took a few years for him to really get the hang of his shapeshifting, but he's able to switch forms at will, up to a few times in a day. It can take a lot out of him and be pretty disorienting, especially when shifting into a new form, so he tends to stick with either his cat, bluejay, or humanoid forms. Especially without anyone to teach him how to harness his abilities properly, most of what he learned came from borrowed library books or things he could glean from his grandmother's diary.

He didn't have a bad relationship with his parents, per se, but as an only child who struggled to connect with his family and had wildly differing interests, opinions, and personalities, it meant that they grew up pretty isolated. They never made many friends in school, but that was alright with them--the local librarians all knew them by name, the nice barista at the coffee shop down the road had their order memorized, and their neighbor would always bring by reference books she "didn't have a use for" anymore. That was enough for Cobalt. They were glad not to have too much connecting them to their hometown, though, because as soon as they got the opportunity to, they left the warm area they grew up in exchange for the rainy mountainside city they now call home.


Cobalt now lives in a bustling city near the mountains in an apartment they share with their roommate, Kit. They're a photographer by trade, though it's not really their passion. They sell their work online and make custom postcards, and it pays the bills. With how reserved of a person they are, it may come as a surprise that they love the city as much as they do, but there are so many interesting things for them to observe, and they love the anonymity that comes with city life. In a small town, everyone knows you and you know everyone--your business is everyone's business, and Cobalt is not a fan of the vulnerability that comes with that. They like having a routine, they like having acquaintances, and they have a few close friends who refuse to allow them to isolate themself (despite their best efforts). Life is good.

If you looked around Cobalt's room, you'd see a humanoid-sized bunk bed with a desk/workstation underneath it, an easel by the window, and a cat bed on the floor. Attached to the wall are some strange-looking branches placed as strategic decorations, but if you looked closely, you'd realize that they're bird perches. The walls are a sensible grey, their bedding is simple and white, and their furniture is minimalistic, to put it kindly. Their walls, however, are covered in artwork--some their own, some from friends, and others still that they saved for months to buy from a gallery. There are bookshelves next to their doorway, stuffed full of books of all sorts--reference, fiction, biographies, you name it--filed two deep. Dirty clothes are strewn around their room, but not to a point where you can't see the floor--sometimes they just have better things to do than remember to put everything in its place. Their living room has much more color and life to it--most of it from Kit's eccentric decorating tastes--and there are more books and games there than any two people could ever go through. It's a home that, while quiet, is full of more life than Cobalt knew what to do with when he moved in. It's a feeling they're not sure how to put into words.

Cobalt's not much of a cook, but their roommate loves sweets, so he taught himself to bake in recent years. They spend most of their days walking around the city, photographing anything that looks interesting and taking their references home to paint later. Most nights, they're alone in their room painting or working, but Kit often comes in to join them in silence, playing around on its phone or reading comics. They don't talk much on nights like that, preferring to just share each others' company. Every couple weeks, though, they have small gatherings in their living room where their friends pile onto their couch and order delivery, playing video games, talking, and watching movies late into the night. Cobalt normally takes the whole next day to recover, but it's always worth it.

you have both found what you were looking to find.

love in new places

roommate | he/it

Kit posted an ad in the paper looking for a roommate when Cobalt first moved to town. Cobalt wasn't sure of him at first, but he promised to respect Cobalt's space and the apartment was nice enough for a low enough cost that they would've been stupid to turn it down. Fast forward three years, and Kit's loud laugh, fluffy hair, and thoughtful nature (though it will deny that part to hell and back again) have grown on Cobalt, and they can't imagine their life without him.

Besides, if their feelings are a little more complicated than "strictly platonic roommate," then that's not anyone's business but theirs.



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