Bay (Bayard) Wright



7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info






Up in the air at this point, who knows.



Defining Features

Acne (Around his nose and forehead mostly). Glasses all the time. Plain clothes.



Bayard is on a constant search for the supernatural since he was saved by a demon as a kid.   He talks too much once you get him going about anything out of the ordinary.  He enjoys studying for hours on supernatural forums and going out on 'ghost hunts' and adventures, with or without somebody there with him!


When Bayard was 9, he almost drowned in the river near his house- a near death experience which changed his life forever. He would have died if he hadn't been pulled out of the river by a demon. Rather than fearful, Bayard was grateful to the demon for saving his life. After that incident, he started seeing the demon every now and then, almost as if it was checking up on him. But then, just as quickly as the demon appeared in his life, it abruptly stopped coming.

Nobody believed Bayard.  He was the only one who had ever seen the spirit, and his family seemed to think he was crazy.  His mom tried to tell him it was just an imaginary friend, but Bayard didn't believe her.  He knew he was right.  Demons did exist, and he was going to prove it.

He became obsessed with the supernatural.  He started reading every book, searching every forum, as well as going to investigate any rumors about the supernatural in his small city. When he was in junior high, he had a group of friends who would play along with him, but by the time that they got to high school Bayard had become an outcast. He was the crazy student among their peers that nobody wanted to associate themselves with.

Now Bayard is finishing his last year of high school. With all those searches under his belt and not much to show for it, he is starting to wonder if he was actually wrong.  Maybe it was just his imagination.  Maybe it really wasn't real.  But now he's finishing school with bad grades, and if he doesn't have his supernatural, what is he supposed to do with his life?

"I was almost ready to admit that perhaps the world was far more mundane and uninteresting than I’d ever imagined"

Misc Facts

  • Bayard gets super bad acne, especially when he is going through a tough investigation
  • He has been known under his online alias to get into fights on forums. He's really passionate about information he finds
  • His family is really poor, and so Bayards clothes have been with him for years and a lot of them are hand-me-downs 
  • He’s super scared of any large body of water. Being submerged in water sends him into a panic attack.

RP Info

I need to find Bayard a friend for a supernatural adventure.  I'm not really fussy if it's a human or a demon, just keep in mind that introducing a supernatural OC to Bayard would probably be super overwhelming for him, so introduction might mean that it has to be quick.  Bayard needs to go on some kind of a quest though, finally, find a little piece of the supernatural that he can explore. Send me your thoughts!