


3 years, 6 months ago


Bastion is the name of what he is.

When a solar flare threatened life on his planet, his creators made the Bastions. “Robots” that carried their genetic code, history, art, cultures, everything they were and could be was stored on these units. 

THe bastions were meant to float around the orbit of the planet. Safe from the solar rays, scanning it until it was habitable again. And they did for nearly two thousand years, until a human imperium ship found them.They took these creatures made of living metal and silicone and studied them, and picked them apart, never bothering to learn what they were. Many of Bastion’s siblings were destroyed before they could even be awakened, the crude (at the time) “advancements” of man not able to fully decipher what they had. 

Bastion’s awakening was a mistake, a fumble by a scientists, and he was the first to talk to the humans but it did not take him long to find what they were doing, and realize that they intended to use his people to make machines of war.

Bastion could not let that stand.

He destroyed the labs, tracing the path of his data, and destroyed as much of it as he could, along with the rest of his siblings (though not before taking their cores), then, stealing an imperium ship, absconded into space.

Since then, in the centuries that have passed he has traveled, slowly, rebuilding his siblings, and collecting along the way abused and abanoned machines of man. Still intent on completing his duty as a Bastion.