
3 years, 7 months ago


Max (Anxiety Boss)

- bisexual / she / her / kinda single? - 

Height - 5'7

Body - Muscular, curvy

Age died at - 26

Host - None (bosses don't have hosts)

Illness - Anxiety

Abilities - Tattoos change when she picks up on nearby anxieties / fears, can also teleport (all bosses have this ability)

True form - Human form covered in tribal tattoos


- Full name is Maxine, but she hasn't used that name in foreverrrrr Hated it so she went with Max

- Into weight lifting

- Very appearance focused (hence the makeup and tattoos)

- Best friends with Ann and Aven

- Surprisingly chill

- Tattoos change!! The only constant ones are the rose on her shoulder, a tribal stripe on her arm, and tribal on her ankle, star on her cheek and a double triangle on her wrist

- Tattoo artist (own her own shop - Anxiety Free Tattoos)

- Would 100% hook up with anyone despite technically being in a relationship with Lucas (he really doesn't care).


Way back in the 1800's, she and the rest of the council worked as a group of scientists studying mental health, but to very different extremes than other scientists. They were performing forbidden experiments that resulted in some damage to others, and themselves. Since Max was a darker skinned woman, she had to sneak around just to get to their lab (Max had to pull some strings just to even get the job). She had a husband, who she did love, but sometimes the two didn't get along great (it was a tad rocky, but he did love her). As he was part of the Hawthorne's (a high class family), he didn't feel that Max needed to work, and preferred that she stay home, as the chores needed done, and he didn't want her getting hurt. His sister Beatrice knew this and when she caught Max come home from work, Beatrice made her beg not to tell, and eventually found her way into the lab so she could spy, and found out of Max's cheating with Lucas. Eventually, Lucas was caught running the labs and was sentenced to death. He didn't tell anyone about the rest of the group, so they were safe for the time being, but were quickly dying off over the years (Dallas first, then Rex, then Max). Beatrice kept Max's secret for a while, but eventually the two fought, and Beatrice ratted her out. Her husband wasn't happy and gave her a earful for it. Out of anger, he shoved her down the stairs, and she snapped her neck (right in front of Beatrice and Aven). He didn't mean to do such a thing, and flipped at Beatrice for even bothering to tell him.

She was brought in as the anxiety boss for the council of mental illness that Lucas, Dallas and Rex were upholding. Over the years, she changed her appearance in a way that she thought suited her (cut her hair, got tattoos, etc) as she was an artsy person and wanted to express herself and be confident in herself instead of being anxious. Took up lifting to be able to protect herself if someone ever tried to touch her again and to also protect Aven. 

Max is also infertile, so she couldn't carry a baby (lucky for Lucas because damn).