Tjanni the Oathbreaker (Abilities)



2 years, 7 months ago



  • Light Em Up, Pretty: Tjanni can increase the intensity of his aura (a slight light that emits from him) to be able to light up a space depending on what bright/dimness he likes. Max bright light extends in a 15 ft radius, dim light in a 5 ft radius. His normal aura is barely visible on his person. 
    • (2) Can be used as a sudden flash to blind creatures 10 ft around him (must succeed a DC 16 Con saving throw or be blinded until the end of his next turn.)
  • All That Glitters Isn’t Gold: Tjanni is able to change the density of his material form, allowing him to make himself a solid gold-colored form or disappear in an ethereal golden smoke. (armor gives +3 to defense but disadvantage on dex checks, smoke provides the same effects as “gaseous form” spell.)
    • Gaseous Form: Tjanni and anything he is wearing/carrying becomes a misty puff of golden smoke. This state ends if he is dropped to 0 stamina. He can enter + occupy the space of another person. While in this state, he has resistance to nonmagical damage and has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, + Con saving throws. He can pass through small holes, narrow openings, and mere cracks with ease, but treats liquid as a solid surface. He cannot fall and hovers in midair, even when stunned or incapacitated. He cannot talk, manipulate objects, attack, or cast spells while in this form. 
  • (1) Poof! What Do You Need? Tjanni can teleport to an unoccupied space he can see within his movement class. 
  • (1) Never Had a Friend like Me: Upon the owner of the lamp’s request, Tjanni is able to provide them with a temporary +2 buff to either Strength + Dex or Attack + Defense (wisher chooses), lasting an in-game hour. This can only be used on the wisher. 
  • (1, once per combat) Itty-Bitty Living Space: Tjanni transports himself, the owner of the lamp, and a maximum of 2 other people into the lamp with him. This provides a temporary safe place. Only Tjanni can let them out of the lamp, or they are ejected after 8 hours, whichever comes first. He cannot perform this ability again until he has rested. 
  • (3, ! once per combat) As You Wish: The owner of the lamp may make one of their wishes during combat, rules applying. Immediately after, Tjanni must return to the lamp. If this is the owner’s last wish, Tjanni stays in the lamp until a new owner claims it, and the wish process begins again (see Djinn and Their Magic for more information)