Daichi Honda



3 years, 7 months ago


Adopted from MeatCat, all ideas except for the design belong to me

Name: Daichi Honda

Age: 28

Occupation: UAs Librarian

Relationship: Rumi Usagiyama

Quirk: CactiCat
Daichi got a combination of both his parents quirks. His mother had a cat quirk and his father had a cactus quirk, mixed together you got Daichi. He can control his tail and send the spines shooting out of it (though he only does it on accident, never on purpose), the terrarium ears are his actual ears and because of the broken right one he is partially deaf on one side. His cat side gives him enhanced speed and hearing as well.

Personality: Daichi is, to put it simply, a soft boi. He enjoys the quiet and reading and can be a bit of a recluse at times. He's also an extreme klutz; constantly tripping over his own feet or his tail, running into and dropping things. Though being a slight hazard to himself and others, he is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. He always has small snacks on him as well as a first aid kit and genuinely cares about how you're doing. He spends most of his time in the library and only leaves to get groceries, go to sleep, or if he gets physically dragged out by Mic, Midnight, and/or Rumi.

Though it may seem hard to believe, Daichi ended up catching the attention of the number 5 hero. Rumi was in the middle of a particularly hectic battle with a villain and ended up with a bunch of cuts and bruises, not that she minded. Daichi, who was almost a victim of this attack, stayed nearby until the end to properly thank her. Though when he got up to her he immediately freaked out over all of the wounds she had and softly demanded that he at least patch her up as thanks for saving him. She decided to humor him and Rumi ended up with at least 10 Band-Aids, with hearts on them, on her and she couldn't help but laugh find him adorable.