Freddie Queen



3 years, 7 months ago


16 / female / high schooler civilian (10th grade)

Quirk: Sword Transformation

  • Transforms into a steel sword.
  • Just a regular steel sword, with no magical mobility or anything. She just lies there and then turns back. If damaged, she can either be healed in human form or “healed” in sword form: if she sustained severe injuries as a human she could transform and be repaired by a smith in her sword form (which would heal her).
  • When she transforms, her head becomes the pommel. Just for reference.

Personality: placid, helpful, friendly

  • Doesn't have any resentment towards their parents, her quirk or her situation in life, generally very tranquil and unpretentious.
  • Quite satisfied with being the self-declared "civilian" of the family, and has no real pretenses to a pro-hero path, instead enjoys her ordinary life.
  • Out of all her siblings, most similar to her dad in terms of appearance(?) and personality.
  • BFFs with Billy, who's usually the person swinging Freddie around in her sword form.