TBN (#2857)



3 years, 7 months ago


Andraste wrinkled her nose at the little pink eyesore before her. Black eyes or no, this pup was not meant to survive. And not only were there one of them, but there were TWO bright pink creatures. Like two wild jungle flowers that had been plopped into the swamp before her. How such a pink family had come to reside, and even survive here she had no idea at all. The female shaking her head some at the look of the twins before her. It startling in the very worst of ways... and for one of them to be darkness blessed.... whatever the darkness wanted with them, she hoped it was something short lived. She supposed brightness didn't matter... after all, one of Nightmare's own get was moon touched, and she was proving to be a formidable creature in favor of darkness... but truly, THESE things? She thought she would have proffered an albino over this. 

Moving forward she took up the black eyed pup and inspected it, running fingers over soft skin and brittle bones that would so easily snap under just a little bit of weight. Black eyes staring up at her as she sucked her teeth a moment. Well, at least she had a good deal of black upon her as well. She supposed she wasn't as bad as the other one... Perhaps this one would find its way back to the jungle and speak of the darkness there. One could only hope. The blue pelted female deciding to take the pup with her as she cast the stones into the toskal skull, the pink creature watching with their black gaze. Reaching eagerly for the stone that fell out. The female rolling her eyes and for moment seemed as though she would give it to them. Their tiny fingers brushed upon the stone and then it was quickly pulled away and placed back into the skull, the pup whining pitifully as Andraste painted on the rune. "She will find riches and be prosperous... may she devote it to the darkness." she noted, handing the pup back when it was finished.