Nelson Watkins



Name: Nelson Watkins

Nickname: None

Gender/Pronoun: He/Him/His

Age: 19

Birthday: July 3, 2001

Sign: Cancer

Gemstone: Ruby

Blood Type: A

Fav. Food: He isn’t picky…but is very partial to berries

Hated Food: Spoiled Milk

School/Occupation: DCU, Pre Med


Archery: It’s been a fun hobby since he was a child, and it’s something that Nelson has kept up with in his spare time. There have been a few archery competitions, and even though he sometimes gets hit with a crippling shyness that is hard to get past, he has a few blue ribbons hanging proudly in his room. He enjoys the time he can take going to archery ranges, and often goes when he’s having a bad day or needs to simply think. It’s a great way to keep his mind clear.

Board Games: Family game night is Nelson’s favorite tradition. He insists that he and his friends get together at least once every two weeks to play games together…it just keeps up the moral, especially since they are all so busy with school and going off into their lives. There is a fantastic little comic shop in the city that he enjoys frequenting, always leaving there with a new game to try out for when he and his friends all get together. Playing games is a sure fire way to make sure that nobody is left out and that everyone has at least some chance to laugh and see each other.

Online Reviews: Nelson enjoys trying new things, and he is rather obsessive with learning as much as he can about a place or event before he will participate, and often, he wants to try it himself before he recommends it. He spends at least an hour a day browsing online review sites, and is a top rated reviewer on both Yelp and Amazon. Sometimes he still thinks that it’s strange that he is sent products sometimes simply so that he can review them. On the plus side of this, Nelson always knows the best places in town, and is the best person to ask when you have a question of where to eat on your anniversary, or whatever else you may be celebrating.


Compassionate: Nelson has always had a heart that was simply far too big for anything. Be it small animals, people, even objects that look forlorn and forgotten, he can’t help but try his best to help them. To save them. To empathize with them and to do whatever he can just to make sure whatever it is feels okay. At the very least okay.

Genuine: Dissembling is not something that Nelson ever learned how to do. He doesn’t know how to change himself to fit different situations and is always the same sweet, gentle thing no matter what. He finds that being true to who he is something that is much more important than being someone or something else. It’s not worth doing something if you’re not you while doing it.

Reliable: Nelson hates letting people down. He is always there for you when you ask, and will do whatever is within his power to rearrange his schedule if he isn’t able to help out initially. There has never been a time in his life that he has broken a promise, at least he can’t remember any, and he takes a great amount of pride in that. There are precious few things that Nelson honestly likes about himself, but being known as someone that can be depended on is a thing that truly brings him joy.


Insecure: A childhood full of bullying is enough to make anyone change, either into a bully themselves or someone who had hardly any self-confidence to speak of, and for Nelson, it was the latter. Despite how he works to hide it, he has a very low opinion of himself, and works very hard to overcompensate by smiles and telling everyone that he cares about just how much he believes in them. There is no better way of hiding one’s insecurity than using them to build up other’s.

Cautious: While Nelson will put himself on the line fully for those he cares about, when it comes to doing something for himself, he’s always second guessing his choices. He doesn’t like to rush into anything, and as such, may spend more time worrying about a problem than it takes to actually fix it. Often times, he’ll find a thousand reasons not to do something, and will end up self-sabotaging himself so that even if it was something which was within his abilities, suddenly it no longer is. He’s been told so often that he will fail, that he’s become afraid to try.

Shy: Crippling shyness is something that Nelson has come to live with. Looking people in the eyes is a difficult feat, talking without stuttering is a thing reserved only for those who he has known for at least three years, and looking up from the ground only happens when he’s alone, or when someone or something that he perceives is weaker than him is nearby. It’s difficult to really function, and the placid smile that he always wears on his face can only get him so far.