


3 years, 7 months ago






Whiteflower is an incredibly sensitive and quiet queen. Rarely does she speak up for herself, even when in a fight with other cats, she'll often shut up after the first few attempts to get them to quiet down. However, she's probably the most gentle queen in the nursery, caring majorly for the kittens she raises with an extremely gentle touch. As well as letting them typically do what they want as long as they don't put themselves in danger, something she deeply wishes her queen had done for her. Not a day goes by that she doesn't reflect on what happened and what it did to her. Sometimes she wishes she just never looked at her reflection, or was killed off when she could've been.


As an apprentice, Whiteflower's mentor had sent her and a recently deceased friend out on a hunting patrol, hoping they would bring back some healthy fresh-kill with how energetic and sneaky the two were. On their way, the two wandered out a bit too far. After some curious sniffing around, the two came across the Thunderpath, a place they'd been told to stay wary of, and far away from the actual camp. No matter what, nobody would hear them now. Being the courageous and outgoing apprentice she was, Whiteflower had teased her friend into exploring the new area introduced to them. He was admittedly a bit scared, not knowing what to do. Trying to prove a point, she walked straight into the middle of the path to show that nothing was going to happen aside from getting their paws warm. It wasn't but a minute of talking before her friend soon heard a monster approaching, and she had as well, though instead of taking it seriously, had instead started to try to mimick it. Lucky for her- her friend had noticed what danger she was in. In a swift step, he moved so that he was able to grab her and toss her across the thunderpath, which scratched her up pretty badly. Not to mention the monsters following the one she had attempted to be saved from had slightly skidded up against the wounds created, making them worse than they originally were. While she'd been knocked out from having been thrown so hard across the asphalt, her friend on the other hand was nearly dead. By the time she'd woken up, his breathing was extremely shallow and his back legs were beyond flattened against the thunderpath. If it weren't for her not knowing what to do and wanting her friend to be okay, she would've ended his suffering right there, but instead, through the pain and blood dripping down her face and torso, she managed to drag his mangled body back to the Clan. Everyone was traumatized by the sight of her an the majorly wounded cat. Not long after crossing the entrance, she fainted, and woke up days later in the medicine den beside her friend, who had been barely breathing at all. It was shocking he wasn't dead, though moons later he wasn't going to be able to be supported by the Clan anymore, and was killed as an act of mercy.


  • Whiteflower's lack of confidence comes less from her getting her best friend killed and instead the endless insults that are slinged at her every day, especially if she was to talk about a crush.
  • In all honesty, he entire memory about the incident is hazy, and she feels likea horrible person. Having forgotten someone who should've meant so much to her feels like a sin so bad it would kill her by now.
  • She was still in the medicine den fairly often when her friend was put to rest. Though she was showing incredible improvement in health, she didn't want to leave his side while he suffered through the pain.
  • Specklegaze had told her off for trying to become a part of normal Clan live once more and turning into a warrior after healing up completely, instead promoting her to a perma-queen from an apprentice.
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