Sundancer [2870]



Special: Dark ritual, Rune 4 - Warrior The female didn't even have to wonder as to what the fate of the pup  would be as Andraste made her way inside of the home. Pausing as she  looked between the two parents. Bright. She noted lightly, coming  inside. "Now, what are all these tears for?" she asked the parents, the  black eyed female sobbing harder as Andraste approached and made her  show the child. The large apex growling protectively over his pup only  be silenced by a finger being thrust to his face. "Be silent, beast. You  being an Apex des not mean I cannot roundly smart you if you force my  hand. I am no gentle creature, but I am not here to take life today."  she ground out. "But if you tempt me I just might take yours." she  warned, looking down at the tiny pup in its mothers grasp, letting out a  quiet breath. "Oh... I see." she noted lowly, running a finger along  the fused legs of the small, squalling pup. Its head raising even with  eyes still closed, letting out a quiet chirp that only pups seem to  make. "It is cursed..." the mother whispered, Andraste giving a hum.  "Well that certainly cannot be argued." she agreed, her words setting  the female into a new round of upset. "I have cursed it!" She sobbed,  the great Apex trying to comfort the female, glaring savagely as  Andraste laughed, his usually kind demeanor having no room for the  cannibalistic shaman. "You? No, no. You are blessed by the darkness...  the fault in this pup is not your own... it is his." she informed,  looking to the Apex, who went wide eyed in shock. "There is too much  moon in this one." she told them. "The fault is in him, not in you...  you have done as you ought." she told them, looking back to the pup.
Not bothering with her usual flourish with her toskals skull and simply casting the stones immediately. A low, almost amused sound leaving her. "Interesting." she noted, moving to grasp the paint, but the little pups father stopped her. "Or maybe its your fault!" he sneered, that apex aggression shining through as he glared towards the female. "Perhaps it is you who has cursed our pup! Your spells! Your witchcraft! The fault is on YOU!" he sneered, the large Apex wanting, needing someone to blame that wasn't him. That wasn't her. So he blamed the witch. Andraste laughing. "A ritual upon which you asked for." she challenged back. "I gave it. Your moon simply destroyed what could have been beautiful." she informed flatly. "It was not my ritual that made this." she assured. Finally dipping a finger into the paint and starting to gently draw on the pups side. "Despite their deformity, despite all that is wrong with them, they have fought all this time to stay alive. They will continue to do so." she told them. "It will fail, in this fight." she told them. "But you should be proud... death will take them, but they hold a warriors spirit." she told them.
"He  doesn't wish to die... and so he will struggle to try to not to... he  will last longer then he should. He will fight through the pain... he  will fight for every breath and he will have earned it. He will  struggle... There will be no point in telling him he can let go... he  will not listen. He will fight until there is no fight in him. And when  there is no more fight in him, he will move no more... No sooner." she  told them. "He has a strong will, for one so small... for one destined  to die... you should be proud of that, honour it. When he passes, the  darkness will pull them into its comforting embrace and it shall be  honoured by it in its passing. The Darkness will be there when you  cannot be, and he will find peace and comfort at the end of his  passing." she told them, looking between the two as the great Apex bowed  his head as the female sobbed over her little pup. Her little warrior  that was destined to lose.