Ise Kibutsuji



3 years, 7 months ago




Ise Kibutsuji






half demon




"We share the same goal, and that is to bring an end to my father."

Half-human and half-demon, Ise does not possess the same primal instinct to kill and devour humans like full-blooded demons. She is also able to walk under sunlight and use her demonic abilities, though she cannot maintain her full power for long periods of time. She bears a huge hatred and animosity towards her father, and her only wish is to see him dead.


Ise has long, dark hair and the same plum red eyes as her father. She is known to be very beautiful, though her beauty is somewhat cold and ethereal, as if she is not from this earth.


Ise is calm, calculative and has somewhat of a cold demeanour. She is detached and does not like to form close relationships with people as she does not want to suffer through heartbreak since she is immortal. Although she has had many lovers, especially rich ones, she has only ever felt lust for them. Ise has a very expensive taste and enjoys the finer things in life. She adores intricate outfits, expensive jewellery and also has a sweet tooth for desserts. She enjoys meat dishes such as steak and dislikes vegetables.

  • jewellery
  • exquisite outfits
  • dessert
  • meat
  • her father
  • vegetables
  • content
  • content

Hundreds of years ago, Muzan settled down with a human woman to keep up the pretense of human life. However, he left the woman out of the blue, not knowing that she was pregnant. Ise spent most of her childhood without her father, but since her mother had nothing but good things to say about him, she waited patiently and excitedly for the day he would return, like her mother said he would. Her father did return when she was eight, but upon seeing that his wife had given birth to a child when he had no idea she was even pregnant, he flew into a blind rage and killed her in front of Ise. With the perfect illusion of her father shattered right before her eyes, Ise vowed to kill him and told him as much. Muzan only laughed and told her she would never come close to a fraction of his power and that she had no hope of ever defeating him. He left her to die along with her mother's broken body.


After leaving Japan in her twenties, Ise spent most of her life travelling the world and honing her abilities. She spent decades in Europe and developed a huge interest in European clothing and cuisine, and can usually be seen wearing dresses and heels. However, in her eighties, Ise fell in love with young man while she was in China, and even went as far as to marry him. She watched him grow old and eventually pass away, whereas she remained as young and as youthful as the day they met. Since then, Ise has never allowed herself to get attached to another person as she does not want to go through the same heartbreak again.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis ante vitae placerat molestie. Quisque condimentum sit amet dolor non pharetra.

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  • content
  • content
  • content
  • Design: Artist
  • Sidebar image: Artist
  • Aesthetic images: one || two || three

code by icecreampizzer