Alscil Kene Corve



3 years, 5 months ago


55777174_shcZKzWDDcMXm3t.pngHailing from Keris City, Alscil's family has long held the title of Sovereign over the Corve Territory of Alleria. Though most of their land is bog and swamp, filled with wetland trees and mud, they do boast an incredible bounty: the largest landbound deposits of skyquartz, found buried under the peat. Much of the region's economy is based around the harvesting of skyquartz, which is then sold to the wealthy Vaervan Kingdom directly to the north. Alscil themself has profited off of this heavily, and enjoys their position as one of the wealthier Allerian territories. 

They have no plans to change their family's longstanding trade benefits or shake up Corven culture - and why would they?