umbra (species)



7 years, 1 month ago




umbra are a manifestation of negative energy. they have a different physiological characteristics than humans, and have several minor abilities. the reason for their creation is not known and is seemingly random, but always occurs during a dark moon (when there are two new moons in a single month)


umbras are born from humans exposed to a high amount of negative energy. the strength of an umbra is determined the moment they are born, by the circumstances they are born into. they are energy-dependant beings, so they can 'recharge' by either eating, sleeping or draining energy out of other sources (people, places, etc). a typical umbra can go without regaining energy for up to 3 weeks. 

virtually all umbras used to be human, and initially undergo a transition period that lasts up to a month. they get extremely high temperatures, convulsions and extreme pain as the cells in their body are dying and mutating. they start off with an increased appetite and sleeping more than usual but by the end they don't feel particularly hungry or sleepy. 

physical appearance

umbras maintain the appearance that they had during the transition period, as their body stops growing. they don't age or get taller,heir hair no longer grows,etc. their iris colour changes to purple, between dark purple and pale violet depending on the strength of the umbra. the paler the iris, the more powerful the umbra.


different umbras have different special skills personal to them, but generally all umbra can shapeshift and warp across short distances. however, depending on the natural strength of the umbra, these can be fairly difficult. 

an average-strength umbra will be able to change minor things about their appearance easily, but full body transformations may take several days to complete, and the umbra will have to rest to retain energy as this can be very exhausting. a more powerful umbra however will be able to do this with ease and may even be able to do it instantly. regardless, shapeshifting can be draining and shouldn't be attempted without easing into it or trying to keep it up for too long.

umbra can teleport small distances up to about 300 metres. however, this isn't instant and may take a few seconds. as with shapeshifting this can tire weaker umbra out easily. 


- umbra are hypersensitive to correspondences associated with witchcraft and traditional medicine. for example, amethysts give umbra a stabilising, comforting feeling and sage protects them from harm.

-umbra can gain energy from their surroundings, from individuals or from rest and food. when an umbra drains a person/place of negative energy, the person will feel indifferent and emotionally numb.