
9 years, 2 months ago


Age: 23

Species: Human (design based on the pokemon musharna)

Element: Dark

Height: 5''6

Sexuality: Homosexual


Okiya is a travelling fortune-teller with his friend Iratu. He projects visions through his pink cigarette smoke. Okiya is wise and witty, he rarely can say something without a snarky comment. He's a calm and clever individual who is an excellent persuader.He talks in a passive-aggressive manner. He's also never seen without his cigarettes.

Okiya prefers to lounge around instead of doing heavy-lifting or any activity that involves sweating, so he has Iratu do all the manual labor. He doesn't use his friend, even though it may seem that way. He cares deeply for Iratu, but is too proud to express his sentimental side. He does show that he cares when Iratu is hurt, missing, or panicking. He has strong magic and few try to cross him. Even in his anger, Oikya gives a calm appearance.