
3 years, 7 months ago




Raised in a well isolated community within a hidden cove, Thia hopes to find great treasures to offer to her god 'Shealu' and knowledge of how to spread her beliefs beyond her homeland.


Thia grew up in a very close-knit community that was surprisingly accepting of anyone who was willing to become a part. Despite the founding members primarily being drow, they were quite aware that keeping blood flowing in and out of the community was key to keeping their beliefs alive and well, thus, they put aside their distrusts for practicality. In fact, Thia is realistically closer to being 1/3rd Drow. That is not to say that those with more ties to the founding families are equal with fresh blood, but that's a story for another time.

Their father is the head priest so Thia feels it's their responsibility contribute as much as possible to Shealu. What good is an ignorant servant to their god, after all?


About Home

"My family is very supportive of my interests, if a bit over supportive. Overprotective too, really. So, I left on this journey without telling them. I wish to learn and grow without them holding my hand for once."

Simply put, Thia was very spoiled and protected as a child. Her whims and wishes were easily granted with the power her family held. The rest of the village doted on Thia as she is 'blessed' by their god. Because of this, Thia will times struggle to consider others' thoughts because she's used to living with people who are assured to listen and understand her.

Her sheltered childhood means Thia can feel out of place during her adventures or unsure if she is missing social cues. She tries to keep a steady disposition as it would be unsightly for the possible next head priestess to be flustered. However, it usually results in Thia being selfish and callous.


"Hm? You want to know about Shealu? Well... I don't have the permissions to tell you much, but... First off, 'Shealu' is more of a nickname I use instead of their actual name. It's weird right? To give your god a nickname? Of course I respect them very much, but... I've always had a closer relationship with Shealu than others."

Answers about Thia's idol aren't easily given. Perhaps it's a creature that lives in the Astral sea or perhaps it's something less comprehensible for mortal minds. Descriptions of it lead to something like a giant clam. A looming being with a powerful, white shell and hundreds of glowing, blue eyes.

For Thia, her god is a dream. Her strange disposition is in part due to the fervor she loves her god with--and it can be called nothing but love, Shealu is someone Thia constantly wishes to please and entertain. These intense emotions are not shown in public, because Thia, in the end, is like a young maiden. She's shy about sharing details about her 'relationship' with the 'person' closest to her.

About Yourself

"These red eyes of mine stand out quite a bit among my family... Supposedly, I got them from my Szarkai great-grandmother. I wish they were a different color... Like a beautiful, bright blue."

Thia is of a unique disposition in that she is actually a chimera. That is to say, she is also her own sibling, the fusion of the two leading to her unique skin mosaicism. This, perhaps, contributed to the favor Thia recieves within her community. Her existance is considered wonderous, in more ways than one, leading to an equally special mindset and personality.

Hobbies - Daggers

"Ah, this dagger? Well, it's my favorite so I couldn't bear to leave it back home."

Thia has a penchant for collecting daggers, among other shiny treasures. Despite being a magic user, short-bladed weaponry fascinates her. Something about the beauty of the craft and the variety of uses different daggers and knives can have draws Thia's eye. So, when she left home she could not resist taking along one of the family ritual daggers as a good luck charm. A reminder of why she's adventuring in the first place. Of course, if the opprotunity arose, she wouldn't mind using this dagger for it's assigned purpose as well.

Hobbies - Language

"I once dated a Sirine. Oh? What happened to her? She... didn't get along with the folks, you know? Recently I've taken to learning Aquan in my free time, so maybe I'll try to meet a nice merfolk next, haha."

Thia's curiosity for creatures and beings unknown leads her to a wish to communicate with all kinds of life. By collecting the viewpoints of others through text or conversation, she hopes to find some enlightenment about the complexities of life and the existance of gods. Thus, Thia spends much of her free time reading books of lore.

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