


9 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Qasim [Kah-sim] Marangoz


Qas, Hound of Gahl








5'9'' [175cm]





Theme/worlds for rp

fantasy, medieval, Arabian Nights/Magi AU, crossovers


Opportunistic || Calculating || Survivalist || Well-read || Inquisitive || Sly || Unenthusiastic || Egoistic || Distrustful
  • Has a strong will to live and his own survival will most likely go before anything and anyone else.
  • Doesn't like doing things for free or taking anything for granted. Very suspicious of generous individuals.
  • Is sympathetic towards those with a similar mindset as him and secretly admires/envies idealistic people.
  • Not interested in gaining fame or riches, as long as he can live comfortably.
  • His greatest pleasure are books, and they're one of the few things to spark his enthusiasm.

Orphaned at a young age, Qasim grew up in his uncle's household where his status was close to that of a servant. While he was given enough to survive, housework often kept him from doing the things that his cousins and other children his age could take for granted. His only comfort was the world he found within books and he was allowed access to his school's library outside of the opening times, in exchange for helping out during the day.

On one late afternoon, he happened to find a section of the library open that was usually inaccessible to the student body. Unable to hold back his curiosity, he sneaked inside to have a look around - however, the books were written in languages that he couldn't read. A little disappointed, he was about to leave when one of those books fell from a shelf and right in front of his feet. Before he was able to put it back in its place, the librarian had returned to look for him and in a fit of panic, he hid the book under his clothes before slipping out of the forbidden section.

Thanks to that peculiar book, he discovered his affinity for magic and was shunned by his 'family' in return. Magic users didn't have it easy in his hometown and having one within the family was considered bad luck. Qasim was however saved from a horrible fate when an itinerant preacher from an unknown sect heard of him and offered to take him in. It turned out that the sect was actually founded by mages and the young teen was then tutored by the elders after being accepted as a member.

Once he became a fully fledged mage at age 20, he left the sect. While he would not speak of the years he spent there, they undeniably had a significant impact on his later personality and mentality.

Strength MagicHis specialties are Magnet Manipulation and Gravity Magic. The first one is what gave his familiars their physical bodies, with the help of special charms and the manipulation of iron sand.
Toto & ToffeeHis main means of attack and transportation, the two houndlike creatures are spirits that he's bound to himself. He's given them very affectionate names when he summoned them as a child, naively declaring them his friends; but even now, he treats them very much like beloved pets.
  • Wooden wand
  • Magical charms (earrings, necklace & belt)
  • Magenta cloak
  • Iron sand (infused with his charms)
  • Due to him relying on magic for most things, he is physically not the fittest and would rather flight than fight in a non-magic battle.
  • He received the white markings on his body upon his initiation into the sect.
  • He's developed the habit of double-checking every room/place he's going to rest in.