


3 years, 7 months ago


"Not my fault I pick fights I can win."


NAME Curtis Simmons


AGE Teen

SPECIES Standard



LEVEL[EXP] content

Curtis is fairly disliked by all who have interacted with him, some say even his own gang members aren't his biggest fans. He doesn't seem to care though - no, as long as his plans run smoothly, he couldn't possibly care less about others' opinions.

What are his plans, you ask? Well why would he tell you? He wants to make a name for himself. If he goes down in history as a pathetic bully, he'll at least be pleased to know he lives on in people's memories.


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  • His parents were avid smokers, and as a result he picked up asthma. It's gone undiagnosed thanks to the illness that got him in the clinic in his youth being the priority. He insists it's nothing.
  • Ever since he got double gear he's only gotten worse. He refuses to admit it.
  • Has a very nasty habit of ignoring his own problems in fear it'd make him seem weak to get help.
  • This guy's pretty damn insecure isn't he.


  • Baby
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  • five
  • Adult
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  • Special
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  • Magic
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  • Mutations
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Cold, calculated and unreadable. Curtis thinks through most of his decisions, and for those he doesn't he somehow manages to find an explanation that works within his plans. He tends not to let himself show how he's feeling if it's not beneficial to him, but a lot of the time he is being genuine - he just genuinely doesn't care about the wellbeing of others.

While he may show some level of comradery with his gangmates, it's likely he cares little for them too. Perhaps he views them as disposable. He'd never make such a fact known if it were true - he's quite the closed off individual.



Curtis' childhood was rather turbulent. Born to two dopalines who never even intended to have a child, riddled with debt and various other issues, it was a household no young dopal would want to be raised in. So, when times got too tough and his father pissed off the wrong person, they tried to get out of trouble the best way they could think of.

By selling their sickly child to a gang.

Suffice to say, the gang was not pleased with this, and kicked Curtis to the curb. Curtis had no option but to flee, given firm words by the gang to never return to Streklin if he wanted to live. He fled as far as his legs would take him, whatever illness he was afflicted with only getting worse as he did. Eventually, he was found on the outskirts of Amitowe, and brought back from the brink of death.

From that point forward, most dopals in the fostery regarded Curtis as 'weak' or 'fragile'. This opinion didn't stick around for long though, as he often passed the time picking on anyone who dared tease him. It seemed another dopal took interest in him, either because he seemed cool or because he was the most interesting thing going on at the time, and while he didn't necessarily stop her from hanging out with him, he didn't exactly appreciate her company either.

Sometime during his late childhood, Curtis took a special liking to a sparzynx at Inu's. He happily adopted Striker and began training him to be an attack dog of sorts.


Once Curtis reached teenhood, he was dragged straight to a gang by his little companion. The Underdogs, to be specific - not really much of a gang in his opinion - clique would probably be a better word to use. He was allowed to continue teasing other dops, and even impressed Barb a couple times with his ability to hit hard with his petty insults. However, the fun soon ended one Hwyleira.

Curtis stepped a bit too far when told to go tease two children with Bynx - instead of doing as he was asked, he left both dopals permanently scarred and ended up picking a fight with Barb herself when she took issue with it. Kicked out of the Underdogs, he moved on to exploit his new arm injury and start his own gang.




BARB Enemy/Rival

Curtis loathes Barb with every fibre of his being. He views her as childish, hot-headed and overall an embarrassment to the gaggle of teenagers she calls a 'gang'.

He almost respects her, however. She managed to gather up all these dops and keep 'em around, so there's at least some recognition to be had for that. Not much, but an amount.

BYNX Former 'Friend', Enemy

Curtis never liked Bynx, but he at least he admired her loyalty. All up until she refused to leave the Underdogs with him.

He doesn't regret having Striker attack her, it 'served her right' for defying him. But he can't help but feel...bitter about how it all turned out. They could've done great things together.

HANSEL Second in Command - Perhaps something more?

Curtis and Hansel met recently, and Hansel didn't take much convincing to join the gang. Curtis respects him for his strength and feels comfortable enough to actually discuss plans with him, but aside from that hasn't opened up to him yet.

He seems to like him though.