Alicia Gale



3 years, 6 months ago


Alicia Gale

She/Her | 29 | Taurus







Alicia Gale is a professor teaching at the University of Arcane Arts. She teaches one of the night sections of ANIMA 102, a foundation course all students are required to take. She also advises the Astrology Club.

Design Notes

  • Dark gray eyes
  • Fluffy blonde hair
  • red-orange neck fur
  • Birthmark on right hand
  • Glasses are for show
  • DOB: May 2
  • Sexuality: Pansexual


Professor Gale is one of the more lenient ANIMA 102 professors, but she is prone to being very hard on students with superiority complexes.

She highly discourages competition and encourages cooperation among her students.

Her favorite food is the Fig Newton, and her hobbies include kite flying, hiking, and reading.

Her eyesight is very sharp, and she only wears glasses because she likes how they look.

profile code by [snail legs]

Entry #1

7 September 20XX

Preliminary Journal Entry:

I'm so excited to finally embark on my dream career of teaching at UAA. I've already prepared my course material and sent out soft copies of the syllabus to the students. I wonder what they will be like? How will they respond to my method of teaching, my preference for outdoor, hands on lessons? That's something I will have to find out tomorrow, when classes officially begin. The anticipation is keeping me from sleeping, it's already 9 am and very light outside, yet my mind is racing haphazardly and keeping me awake.
I've briefly met the professors who teach the other sections of Anima 102, during a professional developement meeting. Even though we all use the same syllabus, the other 5 professors surely have different methods of teaching the material. That hawk that teaches one of the day sections...he seemed very stern at the meeting and wasn't too open about teaching in any other method than his own. As if his way was the right way and any other method of teaching is wrong. How worrisome. All I can say is good luck to the students in his section. Anyways, I hope that my students turn out to be kind and enthusiastic, and not a hyper-competitive group trying to step on each other for the highest grade.

-Professor Alicia Gale

Entry #2

9 October 20XX

Post Weekly Reflection 4:

Now that I am a month into teaching this course, I am starting to get a better idea how different teaching high school is from teaching at a university. As with any group of poeple, there are always those who need more time to mature...but overall, the students seem more serious about the course material, something which I can appreciate. And as for this one who always insists on trying to one-up everyone in the class, I'm sure he can handle the required extra credit that I've provided him, since he works so hard to show off how much better he thinks he is to the rest of the class.
On another note, my students seem to respond well to outdoor lessons, some of them even told me after class that it's a break from the confines of the traditional classroom, which is exactly what I was hoping for. I felt the same way growing up, I enjoyed school the most during school trips and recess, and I find it quite unfortunate that outdoor learning seems to cease after primary school, because people need to spend time outside regardless of their age. Although there are a few outliers who seem to prefer the traditional classroom setting, I'm glad that my method of outdoor learning is appreciated overall, and I believe that appreciation is reflected in their grades.

-Professor Alicia Gale