


3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Henri "Hemlock" Lavande

Age: 41

Occupation: Private investigator, unlicensed forensic scientist/chemist

Nationality: French-Canadian


One of the detectives in Allspice Alley. A suave, yet brutish slueth, he is not afraid to play dirty to get what he wants. He works primarily in unlicensed chemistry; his go-to weapon of choice being strong tranquillizers. Despite his sophisticated demeanor; he has a short temper and can get aggressive if provoked (which is pretty easy to do). He does at least have a code of honor and won't just harm anyone... only those who meddle with his personal business or whom he deems a threat. Hemlock is not the most social guy out there. Heck, he rarely speaks to anyone, unless they have something he wants. Doesn't do detective work for the sake of justice or good like most do... he opperates on very grey morality. Is this guy even a detective to begin with? He considers himself more of a silent assassin.


Extra Facts:

-Was quite a wrestling pro in his youth. He is still quite strong and has a bit of muscle underneath the coat. Too bad he's got a bad back...

-Is very fond of taxidermy