


3 years, 6 months ago



Pronouns he/she/they
Species Human
Age 13
Orientation Biromantic
Open For RP, HC, Friendships

Irida's go-getter younger sibling. After being given up by her birth mother at a children's hospital, her dads (one of whom worked as a nurse) took her in as foster parents and were able to officially adopt her after a year. She was born with chronic health issues and developmental delays due to lack of oxygen at birth; though she caught up with her peers by her early teens, she's still sensitive to being "coddled" by her mentors and family. She has big dreams of becoming a fashion designer when she's older.




• Loves collecting and decorating herself with accessories, with a birdlike adoration of bright shiny objects; has three whole shelves dedicated to cute knickknacks and paraphernalia.

• Prone to hyperfocus and asking a ton of questions about the subject she’s interested in. While she's usually good at reading people, social competence, legal consequences, and even common sense gets thrown out the window once she gets hooked on an idea.


very intense, will run roughshod over you but never maliciously; has a strong unconscious charisma that tends to sweep everyone else along in the tide. she talks a LOT and will ramble for hours if you let her. gets along very well with quiet or awkward people who prefer to listen.

likes groupwork, but tends to dominate in most teams (if only because of how loud and outspoken she is). has unwittingly ended up being the only person who does any work more than a few times, but finds it easy to cajole and encourage other people into doing their fair share. it’s just being a decent person, y’know?

highly assertive and confident about herself, won’t be bossed around (not that many people try). despite this, absolutely cannot stand seeing other people in distress or in pain; can easily be brought to pleading on someone else’s behalf

neophilic, inquisitive about her surroundings, will boldly strike up conversations with strangers. tends to make broad sweeping judgements that can be insensitive or hurtful because they aren’t thought through (“what? haha that’s weird, who’d like such a dumb thing?” when it turns out the other person's a fan). despite this, perceptive and socially savvy, often unexpectedly so because she keeps most of her quieter realizations to herself until she declares to her friends that A and B CLEARLY HAD A FIGHT AND WE NEED THEM TO KISS AND MAKE UP STAT.

doesn’t really hold grudges against people (will try to laugh it off or forget it, and often succeeds) but strongly phobic of certain places and avoids them like the plague

can’t stand being alone or doing nothing in the house; will drag nearby people (whether family, roommates or acquaintances) out to do things (“why did you bring me out here??” “i needed out of the house stat!”) even if that thing is as simple as taking a walk around the block. unashamedly demanding of time & attention and will FORCE other people to relax if she has to

doesn’t really feel the need to compete; hypes up competition and her desire to win for the sake of doing something enjoyable with other people and raising dramatic tension, not because she wants to be the absolute best. would be very upset if one of her friends underachieved to let her win something

extremely stubborn, hates being “not enough” for anything or anyone. hides negative inner feelings and complexes so well that other people tend to have no idea that they exist until they step on them by mistake. secretly fears being a disappointment to her parents and not being able to live up to her sibling's legacy



Irida [ big sib ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Lior [ bbbfff ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.


Lamont [ pen pal ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.