


9 years, 6 days ago

Basic Info


Californio, CF


20 (physical), 25 (chronological)




Radioactive experiment with cancer-curing properties; formerly human


180 cm


???? (Polysexual polyromantic ???)










  If you aren't specific, how am I supposed to know...  

A radioactive project that went out of control and now is escaping from the government. He's amnesiac and doesn't know much about life outside of a laboratory, but knows he was human before being an experiment.


He's a tall adult, with saturated orange skin and silver short hair. His eyes are filled with bright yellow and green. He has bright white markings all over his body. He has a heavy build. He wears a silver hoodie with a bright yellow-green hood, brown shirt, brown pants and silver shoes.


Since he has no memories of a human life, he's very curious and naïve. He can have an attitude, though, and can be sassy at times. He's obedient but he can get easily irritated if people walk over him and accuse him of doing things wrong when he has no clue when it's wrong and when it isn't. Even though sometimes he can do wrong things, knowing perfectly that they're wrong.

He can be sort of sadistic, but he's good willed. He believes in people's hearts and wants to protect the people he loves the most. Sometimes he acts without words, doing things that might look weird since he already looks nonhuman, but he doesn't get why people get so scared.

While his personality and bodytype might make him seem strong, he has several flaws that make him emotionally weak at times, and he doesn't realize it happens very often.


He is a radioactive experiment, with his primary purpose being curing cancer. He can heal any wounds on people, as long as they show a positive response to his radioactivity. He has superhuman strength, can sense radioactivity levels and has a lot of information on how it works. He can also manipulate beams of pure energy, can glow in the dark and can melt almost anything he touches.

His energy doesn't run out because of Earth's current state, and he will never really age anymore. His skin is almost impossible to cut through, but if it somehow did, he wouldn't be able to regenerate it.

He has a talent with technology and programming, his powers allow him to interact with computers and alter their schemes. He has to be careful, though, because if he's not aware, he can melt it all.

When he's around Asen, his powers are "controlled". He's able to think them through. If he's away from Asen, or Asen is somehow unable to receive his overflow radioactivity, he'll be much more powerful, but much more destructive and out of control too.


He can only remember being in a laboratory, being treated like nothing for years. He vaguely remembers being upset. He doesn't know anything else.

Or does he?


  • His blood is liquid metal. It glows in the dark.
  • His white marking and eyes also glow in the dark.
  • Can and will eat anything he thinks is food. This includes sand, and plastic fruit. Despite this, he has a human sense of taste, and realizes they're not so tasty.
  • Likes goth stuff. Anything that's edgy. Even gratuitous violence.
  • Is physically unable to cry.
  • His weak points are his eyes. They're unprotected.