


3 years, 7 months ago


Beetlebub, Inheritor of Hell


NAME Beetlebub


AGE Approx. 200, though maturity of his early 20s

RACE/SPECIES Demon (Beelzebub)

GENDER Nonbinary/Genderfluid



The 150th demon born into the Beelzebub family, also known as Inheritors of Hell. Coming from a long line of royalty, he often wishes to break free from tradition.


  • Rot and Decay
  • Dark magic
  • Insects, especially beetles
  • Blood


  • Following traditions
  • Speaking
  • Expectations imposed onto him due to his family
  • Responsibility


  • She is selectively mute.
  • Beetlebub's name is based somewhat on a misunderstanding i had when I was younger that Beelzebub was pronounced Beetlebub.
  • Their birthday is September 28th.


  • The gold parts of his body (on his head and claws) are paint and not actually part of him.
  • The boils and holes on his body are permanent and do not heal.
  • They are very physically strong and often work out.


Beetlebub is seen to people who do not know her as cold and unfeeling, ruthless and brutal. The society of Hell has built up the expectation that the Beelzebub family is a long line of cruel, murderous high ranking demons who do not care for others. However, in Beetlebub's case, this is not at all what he is. In reality, though he doesn't talk much, they are actually very kind and generous. She's even quite anxious, only talking occassionally to people she feels comfortable around. He greatly dislikes the tradition of his family, and doesn't even consider "Inheritor of Hell" a necessary title. He often runs away from his duties assigned to him, and would much rather live with lower ranking demons such as imps.


Family History

In the heirarchy of Hell, the Beelzebub family is a long line of demons that have existed for as long as most demons remember. These high ranking demons, called Inheritors of Hell, are exactly what their name implies. If the Ruler of Hell were to die or be cast down from their throne, the currently alive Beelzebub family member would inherit the throne. They are also called the prince/princesses of Hell. There is only ever 1 member of the family alive at 1 time, as when a new one is brought into existence, the old immediately ceases to exist. Every member of the family is named Beelzebub, followed by their number in the family lineage, as a roman numeral (ex. The first would be Beelzebub I, the second Beelzebub II, and so on). Well, this was the case, up until the most recent...

Personal Life

Beetlebub was born the 150th demon in the Beelzebub family line, and raised as the rest of the family typically was. He was treated greatly by his caretakers, and had a great childhood. When Beetlebub reached her adult stage of life at around 150 years, she was allowed to fully embrace her role as Inheritor of Hell, and all the perks that come with this. However, Beetlebub didn't exactly go along with this. They changed their name from "Beelzebub CL" to "Beetlebub", as to set themself apart from the rest of the family. They began to act out in ways considered disrespectful for a Beelzebub family member: Spending casual time with imps, disregarding past family member's wishes and rules, and even ignoring orders from the Ruler of Hell themselves. Currently, Beetlebub is still Inheritor of Hell, but isn't doing what most would consider a very good job as his past family line. He's fine with this, though. He'd rather be himself than continue what his family had been doing for the past few milleniums.


Fenton Boyfriend

Fenton is Beetlebub's boyfriend. They met while Fenton was delivering an important letter to the Ruler of Hell, and they happened to strike a conversation together and get along. Slowly Beetlebub and Fenton have developed a very close bond. Beetlebub is not the most talkative, though Fenton is one of the only people she feels comfortable talking around, even if it's only occassionally. Typically in the Beelzebub lineage, they were not allowed to have significant others. Beetlebub doesn't care about this rule one bit.

Remington Acquaintance

As Remington is a grim reaper, he takes direct orders from Beetlebub. Beetlebub, though, doesn't really care about what Remington and the other reapers are supposed to do. Instead, Beetlebub outsources "contracts" to mortals. The deal is that they can sign a deal (typically assassination/murder) with Beetlebub, and Beetlebub will forward the deal to Remington and other reapers. They don't often talk personally, but as Fenton is Remington's best friend, They know a lot about each other via Fenton's rambles.