


3 years, 7 months ago


Color: Ametrine
Name: AmetrineRat
Godly Aliases: Un-death, The Resurrected
Pronouns: they/them
Moral Alignment: chaotic neutral

Color Rank: Cryptid
Color Group: -

Allegiance: Moon's Mischief
Rank: Subordinate
Divine Type: Lesser
God of: Cheating Death
Symbols: ametrine gemstone (in places it doesn't naturally occur), objects breaking and then repairing themselves, conjoined twin animals, Ametrine themselves approaching you as you walk into the afterlife
Element: Electricity

Name Rune:

Sui Generis: Infinitesimal Life
Description: When dealt a killing blow, Ametrine's body and form "shatters" into purple and yellow shards like a glass statue. They will reappear in the Deadlands within a week. Non-fatal blows affect them as normal.

Magic Weapon: A double-headed warhammer, with spikes on the mashing ends.
Guardian Beast: N/A


  • Electrokinesis and electroconductivity; can both produce lightning magic and redirect any that comes his way.
  • Can sense impending mortal deaths.
  • Can return the souls of the dead to their bodies, as long as they haven't passed into the afterlife yet.
  • Healing magic; can heal gods and mortals both.
  • Necromancy; can control dead animals and dead people. Can resurrect dead animals.
  • Communication with ghosts.

Patron Of: 
* Jericho Nexilis - ??? - 15
Personality: Mischievous and annoying, likes to cause problems on purpose. Ametrine is a smug bastard with their own agenda. They regard themselves as an equalizer, a balancing force between life and death. But most of the death gods just see them as a pest. Ametrine likes to rag on, jab at, and tease people, with their words becoming even harsher the less they like you. 

History: Ametrine was formed when the gods Amethyst and Citrine combined their energies, in a last-ditch attempt to avoid being devoured and destroyed. 

Voice Claim: Bwonsamdi (World of Warcraft) + ???
Theme Song: ???

  • Ametrine does not get along with Evergreen or any of the reapers. Some of the more vicious are known to attack Ametrine on sight.
  • Ametrine is, however, friends with Moon.
  • Ametrinemancers are people who survive fatal injuries/illnesses, or people who die that Ametrine decides to resurrect. 
  • Both yellow and purple gods can wield electricity magic, and this results in Ametrine's electricity magic being especially powerful.