


3 years, 7 months ago


"If you have ghosts, you have everything."

| Info

Name: Guarian Spryte

Age: 24? 100? Who knows

Species: Unknown, possible spirit hybrid


Nickname: Ian

Gender: Male

Alignment: Lawful Good

Role: Graveyard Keeper


Guarian has always been a rather introverted, quiet soul, preferring to deal with the spirits he meets at graveyards than actual living beings. He's never liked talking much due to having bad social anxiety, always keeping his replies or inputs to the bare minimum. Regardless of the fact that he doesn't converse much, if at all, he's very observant when it comes to the ones around him, always finding out things that he'd rather not know. He's pretty used to others assuming that he thinks he's not worth their time at this point, but that isn't even close to the truth. He's just got a hard time socializing with actual, living things, as well as trusting most others.

| Design
  • original design by gatorstooth on twitter
  • the ghosts on the original design appear on him occasionally
  • the striped skin on the lower half of his body has a very soft touch; it almost feels like peach skin upon contact
  • stands at about 6'8
  • has 'saber' fangs on the top and 'foo-fangs' on the bottom
  • one large spike on the back of his neck and then two rows after
  • large, fluffy ears, but no fur inside of them
| Trivia
  • can see spirits, ghosts, and the like; he's gotten pretty great at figuring out which ones are safe to befriend and which ones to stay away from
  • bit of an Irish accent
  • gentle giant; too nice to say no most of the time
  • would rather eat insects and whatnot at graveyards, as a way to honor/serve the spirits there
  • bad social anxiety, might 'shut down' if too stressed
  • very observant; has a habit of hearing too much sometimes
  • kind of clusmy; occasionally trips over his own two feet
| Relationships

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