
3 years, 6 months ago


Howl Vennen



I'm nothing but nausea, nothing but reverie, nothing but longing. I'm something very far removed, and I keep going.

Howl Vennen
Full Name



20 → 25



September 20th

Prince of Gluttony

Apricot blossom



Caged Bird - Bin
Theme Song


Being left alone.
Gothic, thriller, and psychological stories. Also a sucker for romance.
Rainy days and the sound of rain on rooftops.
Soft orchestral music. It's very calming.
Watching Faust do magic.
The smell of old books in a cozy library.


Leaving their room.
Crowds, being looked at, or having to talk to people.
Loud or sudden noises, especially loud voices.
People touching his food without permission.
Being wasteful, whether it be food or clothes or objects.
The feeling of tight/form-fitting clothing.


Baking various pastries and sweets.
Playing the flute.
Reading, especially gothic and thriller novels.
Writing poetry and love letters to a certain someone.
Late night walks in the palace gardens.
Bird watching.


Porcelain, sickly
Skin tone

Body type

Long, straight

Opera mauve






Howl's hair is a gradient from a purpley-blue to dark teal to slate grey.
He is based on a kirin, with a single slightly curved horn and a long, shaggy tail. The horn is a deep blue, with a small opal right at the base. His tail also has a gradient, and is specifically is not fluffy all around. It is flat at the top along the tail bone, with soft fur coming down to make a sweepy tail.
They are a rather sickly pale, as they do not get out into sunlight much, with prominent eyebags and reddening around their eyes.
His nails are kept relatively short and always painted black, partially to help prevent him from biting at them.
Howl has faint scarring along their arms which are always covered up.
They have a pear-shaped figure, with a bit of fat on their stomach and hips.
Howl dresses extremely modestly, prefering concealing clothing and dark colors. Even in the heat of Hell's summers, he will stick to long pants and sleeves. His fashion sense most resembles a dark academia aesthetic.

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Howl is part of a set of triplets. He is identical to his brother, Isaiah, while his sister Priscilla is faternal. Though their relationship has become strained, he still misses them and struggles with being apart.

He is autistic and has agoraphobia. He struggles often with socializing, sensory issues, and crowded places. He detests social gatherings, and will only attend balls or other royal events only when absolutely required.

Their manifestation of their sin, gluttony, is a bit more unique than past incarnations. Instead of eating in excess, Howl hoards in excess due to their disordered relationship with food. They are very defensive over their food, and tend to squirrel things away in his room.

Their ears are a bit more pronounced than the other princes, and it's something they're rather self-conscious about.

Howl struggles in the way of magic, even for a demon of his supposed power. He deals best with abjuration and illusion, but even that is a bit lacking. Though, as Gluttony, he is granted a unique innate power. Touching people with his bare hands can cause them to become acutely ill, and even begin to rot them if he focuses hard enough on it.

His chosen instrument is the flute, though for a long time, he avoided playing and fell out of practice. It is only by Faust's encouragement that he finally takes it up again and rediscovers his love for it without fear of judgement or failure.

They are largely nocturnal by choice, as they prefer to wander the castle and conduct their business without the worry of running into the others.

They have a rather bad habit of stress baking. The other princes tend to know when something's wrong when they wake up to a large array of different sweets and pastries left about in the kitchen.

The base of his tail is very sensitive, and he likes it when Faust brushes it for him.

Howl works with Yves in Ring Relations as part of his royal duties.

They love candlelight and incense, and often has them burning in their room. Light and woody type scents are their favorite.

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Howl is a timid sort, his heart trapped in a cage of insecurities. He wishes nothing more than to avoid the gaze of anyone and everyone, to fade into the background and refuse any acknowledgement to his existence. People terrify him, or moreso, their judgment. Unless it is required of them, he refuses to leave the palace walls, avoiding parties and balls like the plague. It’s always too much attention. His heart just simply can’t take it.

On first impressions, Howl can come off as surprisingly abrasive. Like a cornered animal, their initial instinct is to snap and bite. Truthfully, they do not mean to be hurtful or rude, but with such high-strung nerves, it is the first thing to come out of their mouth. His unadulterated anxiety manifests in ugly ways to outsiders, making him easily irritable and defensive. More than anything, Howl just wishes people would understand his wishes to be left alone. The weight of a crown is too heavy for their head. Why couldn’t anyone see that?

Yet, despite what he may say initially, Howl doesn’t truly wish to be alone and forgotten. They crave intimacy and the chance to be close with others, but the vulnerability of that terrifies them to their core. After a lifetime of humiliation and abuse from his family, his trust in others is severely damaged. Getting close enough to earn that trust is a troublesome feat. After all, Howl sees little value in himself, and so rarely believes anyone would have a genuine interest in him, instead convinced it’s always some terrible joke and a mockery of his heart.

When given that patience though, Howl is capable of deep and rich relationships. They are a gentle soul, timid as a mouse and unsure how to properly express all their affections. Even a brush of a hand is enough to send their heart pounding, and a sincere compliment may set their face alight. Socializing hardly comes easy to them, but with the people they hold dear, they truly do try their best. Howl’s companionship is a soft, quiet sort, opting for peaceful moments with another and an evening of relaxed discussion. He is particularly attentive to people’s interests, often collecting on little tidbits for later conversation or gift-giving. Actions tend to fail him as often as words do, but he is sincerely trying with those he clings to.

Ultimately, Howl is often misunderstood, either the subject of criticism or ridicule. However, when given the chance to open up, it is easy to see he is simply tender-hearted and afraid of the world. Low self-esteem and insecurities run rampant in his mind, wrecking any confidence he might have. They struggle daily with the mortifying fear of simply being seen, but there are those in their life that have made it a little easier, bit by bit.

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❝ I'm still not entirely sure what he sees in me... But I'm grateful all the same. ❞

What once started as a classic pining romance, Howl and Faust's relationship has bloomed into full, unconditional love. Their first meetings were sparse, as Faust was filled with a sense of allure towards Howl's presumably mysterious nature. Fleeting eye contact, the brush of a hand. Though as their encounters became more private, things began to evolve. Due to both of their duties keeping them busy, the two resolved to exchange hand-written love letters to one another, only further fostering the romance. It took time, but now, Howl trusts Faust wholy with their heart.


Viviene Felicite
acquaintance, fellow prince

❝ Why do they enjoy being so mean? ❞

Frankly, Howl doesn't get Viviene. They revel in attention and cruelty towards others, especially him. Initially, they were quite the bully towards him, only further pushing him into his antisocial tendencies. They try to be nice to him these days, but it's a bit of an awkward effort sometimes. They're quite invested in his relationship though and "helping" him, for whatever reason. Though he would never admit it, Howl is a bit envious of their natural ability to take to the spotlight. He wishes he could garner attention the way they do.


Malakai Lennox
fellow prince

❝ He's just kind of scary... ❞

Howl isn't particularly close to Malakai, since his anger issues tend to ward them off. They're incredibly avoidant of incurring anyone's wrath, but especially his. Still, in a way, Howl sort of sees Kai as a brother figure. He seems to know when to back off more than Azzie or Levi, and occasionally offers them a form of protection. When it's just the two of them, they do manage to have their bonding moments. Howl does appreciate how Sascha's presence eventually mellows out Kai, allowing the two of them to make way for a closer connection.


Yves Huxley
close friend, fellow prince

❝ He's helped me more than I think he really knows. ❞

Yves was probably the first person in the castle to reach out to Howl and show them an ounce of patience and kindness. Even Sascha, for as wonderful as he is, isn't very proactive in fostering relationships. Once Yves was able to get past their tense exterior, they latched onto him almost immediately. Howl very much sees him as a positive older brother figure and a safety net. They know Yves will aid them when they need it, and shield them from prying eyes when obligatory social gatherings become too much. He offers them a sense of comfort and much needed security, and Howl is truly grateful for his presence in their life.


Azzie Landon
fellow prince

❝ He's a little hard to be around sometimes, but he's not that bad of a guy, I think... ❞

Azzie tends to allude Howl's understanding, in all honesty. In some moments, he's sharp-tongued and abrasive, easily wounding their feelings and scaring them back into their hole. Yet, in others, he's rather kind in his own way, offering them some sort of grounding in their worst moments. They don't know a lot about Azzie or what goes on in his life, but it's not hard to see there's something that troubles him. They regret not reaching out more before he left, to extend their empathy and understanding for his situation. Even though they weren't particularly close, even Howl misses him in his absence. They just hope to see him happy one day.


Priscilla and Isaiah

❝ Why could you have never taken my side? Even so, I miss you both... ❞

Being apart from his siblings feels like agony, even if they failed to be kind to him. How could he not miss his other halves? Besides, it's not like things were always this way. In their youth, the triplets were inseperable. Yet, as time went on, things changed. As Howl became the subject of his parent's criticisms and ire more and more frequently, his siblings distanced themselves from him to avoid the same fate. Eventually, they even began to partake in it, humilitating him and making him the butt of their jokes. The ruin of their bond broke Howl's heart. Even so, he can never truly hate them for it. He hopes there will be something to salvage between them in the distant future.


Sascha Madaki
friend, fellow prince

❝ They always seem so calm... I wish I could relax like him. ❞

Howl enjoys Sascha's companionship, in the moments they can have it. For awhile, his friendship alluded them - not through any malicious means, of course, but simply because Howl was too closed off and Sascha wasn't outgoing enough to bother. Still, slowly, they seemed to drift together. Sascha was the kind of calming, low energy presence they needed in their life. Often, the two would flit away from parties to simply sit outside to have some peace and quite. Occasionally, they play music together, which Howl finds quite nice.


Leviathan Lovelace
fellow prince

❝ He reminds me of my family... not in the good way, though... ❞

Leviathan is difficult on their heart. His jeering and smart-mouthed comments never fail to make Howl feel insuperior to him, even when unintentional. Levi is a painful reminder of their own family, like the worst aspects of each of them. They don't think it's with purposefully malicious intent, but they wish Levi could see the way he's hurting them. As much, they never form much of a bond, which truthfully Howl is perfectly fine with.


childhood tutor

❝ I don't think I've ever met a more unkind soul. ❞

It is no exaggeration to say that Montague has been a source of so much of Howl's misery. Starting from childhood, the demon had been the mentor for the triplets, particularly in the way of the arcane arts. Unlike their siblings, Howl did not have as much of an apitude for magic, which was not taken kindly. Montague was incredibly harsh on them, demanding for results they simply could not give. Even in adulthood, they are not free from their grasp - not when they discover Montague is Faust's mentor as well, being the source of his stress and their time apart. They cannot stand how much this one person has interfered with their happiness.