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Lunar Havoc

 SEX   Female
 TITLE   "High Spirits"
 PEDIGREE   Hybrid    
 SPECIES     Quilldog (50%) 
 LITTER             Trick X Treat 2020
 HYBRID W/   Jackaluna (50%)
 THEME  content

The last-born of the bunch, Lunar Havoc  has an eagle's heart and absolutely loves to fly. You'll catch her airborne moreso than grounded, and the bird-like marking on her flank flaps as she does! Despite her runt-like size, her demeanor is regal, guarded, and powerful. She soars the highest among the pups!  

Early Life

Kitea was the last born of the second litter between mother Elsinore ("Trick") and father Corbin ("Treat") and as such was doted on quite a lot due to her small size. She was always following one of her siblings around and wanted to feel included in whatever they were doing. Eventually she started to want her own independence and started to teach herself how to fly. 

Big Brother Steps in

From the very beginning Kitea was under the watchful eyes of her eldest brother Atri who more or less became a second father figure to the young hybrid. She looked up to him highly and wanted to be like him someday. However as she grew into adolescence things would start to change.

Desire for Freedom

Once Kitea was old enough to fly she would travel with Atri for a time. They traveled across the land helping others and giving out treats. However, Kitea soon began to think her brother was being a little overprotective and would sneak away at every opportunity. But every time she thought she'd lost her brother, he would find her and bring her home. Kitea soon confronts her big brother with her concerns and he backed off, allowing her to go off on her own personal journey.

Corbin "Treat"


Kitea loves her dad and often spent a lot of time with him when she was very young.

Elsinore "Trick"


Kitea loves her mother very much, but she doesn't particularly enjoy the tricks that she and Corbin play.



Kitea loves her big brother dearly, but she thinks he can be a little overprotective sometimes. She will often fly off just to get some time alone.



Kitea is very wary of Itteri as she's heard some concerning things about him from their siblings particularly about how he treats Atri.



Kitea has a lot of respect for Hex and often goes to her big sister for help with dealing with her older siblings.



Kitea doesn't know Trick very well as she was very young when they left home on their journey.



Kitea looks up to her big brother and always felt bad about his birth name. She never teased him about it even after he chose his new name.



Some of the fondest memories that Kitea has about her big sister is making makeshift jack o' lanterns with pumpkins that they would find growing around.



Kitea always loves spending time with Attre as his upbeat personality is contageous!



Kita loves spending time with her sister Erri as she's quiet and just an all-around good individual to hang out with!



Kitea loves to hang out with Tree and when they were younger she would help him protect and take care of birds.



Kitea feels like Rea is too harsh on herself sometimes and tries her best to uplift her big sister's spirits.


  • night time
  • animals
  • art
  • warmth/fire


  • socializing
  • the cold
  • being wet
  • day time